Germaine David
 Xem hình ảnh (9)

 Đơn vị Anh (lbs / in.)
 Hệ mét (kg / cms)
Chi tiết
Cân nặng:99 lbs
Màu tóc:Màu nâu
Chiều dài tóc:Vừa
Màu mắt:Màu đen
Màu da:Màu trắng
Kinh nghiệm:Mới vào nghề
Lương:Chỉ những công việc đã trả lương
Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:24 Sep 2010
Ngày gần nhất:26 Sep 2010

Về tôi

- Newly Graduate and Board Passer and still looking for a Full time Job as a Nurse :)
As of now I'm a Freelance Model

- I am a newbie in this business and I really want to learn more. I hope you could help me. I started last year but i stopped due to increase loads in school before i graduated.

- As a newbie I accept tfcd or tfp depending on the concept but it depends on the location and hopefully MUA is present. If far from home i require transportation and food allowance.

- I am more interested in PAID ASSIGNMENTS since i am still starting and wants to gain experience :) Paid assignments means i can now handle professional works in this business.

- I am OPEN to any concept but i don't do Lingerie and NUDE ASSIGNMENTS =)

- If interested you can contact me at my email

- You can add up my MODELING PORTFOLIO : htpp://

Tín chỉ

Camera Capo Photography
Blue Lights Photography
Paolo Zalameda Photography
Bot's Bot'an Online Shop
Danna Lim Photography
Meg Online Search


26 Sep 10 02:28
Thanks.. Hope to work with all of you soon.. :)
25 Sep 10 21:34
Welcome and beautiful images...
24 Sep 10 14:19
Welcome to iStudio. Wish you lived closer so we could shoot.
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