ssewankambo brian
 Xem hình ảnh (11)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:5 Dec 2011
Ngày gần nhất:26 Jul 2017

Về tôi

am a talented young photographer with the passion of doing photography as a hobby and as an occupation.
i finished my high education in lubiri secondary school and took media computing on college.
i have an experience of three years in photography and i have worked with two companies in the past years first with xpose photo studio and currently working with sr majestics services in nakawa kampala.
am stil single and still trying to build my career in photography where i would wish to travel all ove europe and USA to achieve my dream


06 Sep 13 12:49
hi tanx
09 Dec 11 00:31
hullo every one there. its been ma first time to join this network but it feels good just in a short while with nice people of good figures
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