
Free lance photographer in Beaumont, Texas.
You will find my rates reasonable, if not low.My rates are always negotiable. Iâm always willing to help a new model get started. I will do an occasional TFCD shoot, but Iâm very selective. If you have a theme in mind, feel free to run it by me and weâll see what happens.
I do not give a CD with ALL images. I only release the very best of images. Escorts are more than welcome,but the escort must realize that the creative process is between the model and photographer.
P.S. My favorite cookie is chocolate chip...homemade, of course..


Models I've had the pleasure to work with:

Candi Andi mm 741443
Laura Comeaux
Bonnie Comeaux
Mandy Adams
Dana Liepke
Faith Morvant mm 748665
Hannah Jeude mm 773424
Texas Firecracker mm 1266860
Zuni Baskin mm 1209932
Tiffany Tran mm 1294456
Kayte Walters mm 1295560
Amber Tholen mm 1329041
Kalie Craven mm 1324756
Priscilla Jena mm 1210391
Fran R mm 1359918