Aphelon GMG
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加入:15 May 2010
最后:22 Jul 2011


(Excerpt taken from the Aphelon.com website)

Steven began shooting photography at the age of seven, his father had a darkroom in the house and there were always cameras and the smell of photo chemicals around. He learned to edit moving film on a hand cranked 8mm machine “back when you actually held film in your hands and taped it together with real sticky stuff.” Live action was always his first love but the rock & roll bug bit hard and sent Steven on a alcohol drenched lateral-spiral across the country and back several times with his critically panned/fan adored band the legendary “Cornbread Mafia” rock & roll band and show revue. Following a chaotic showcase at New York’s C.B.G.B.s being on the road became too emotionally and physically violent so he “fired everybody and quit”, throwing himself into self-imposed exile on his farm deep in the fertile woods of Kentucky far away from the temptation of those whore-soaked city lights. In a “dry” county it should be noted. This was part of what Steven calls “getting born.” “Out there I could go weeks without tactile human contact. I wrote the hell out of everything, short stories, music, features, poetry, prose, you name it. If I couldn’t commit it to paper I formed it out of wood or metal or music, to me building is building, making a chair is no different to me than making a movie. It was like I was backed up creatively, all of the things that were on hold wanted out and once the gate was unhinged there was no stopping the frenzied beast” says Steven. “The subconscious will continue to create” he continues “if you open yourself to letting it out there is always something in there waiting to be known. That’s why I receive a lot of ideas on long motorcycle rides, it’s my escape pod, my mind is freed from the phone ringing or all of the other extraneous horseshit that clouds the process. Once you make that cognitive shift, momma here comes the goods. It’s up to you how you capture the idea, or in what medium you allow it to manifest itself.”

Steven is currently prepping his long fabled feature length script “Roadside”. One of the lucky few that have actually read the script describe it as “Alice in Wonderland meets Deliverance”. He is also writing/recording music and shooting veedeos under the nom de plume “The Ass Haulers”.



The short list of credits goes like this...

Indie features, art film, short film, music veedeo, photography, broadcast commercials...

VISA, Louisville Courier Journal Fashion Section (Featured), Kentucky Derby Museum, Bahe-Cook-Cantly and Jones, Cub Bank, Apollo Choppers (All branding and media), Two Jakes Custom Motorcycles, Channel 11 WHAS, KET, Insight Communications (National Ads), Joseph's Aveda Concept Salon, Uncle Sam's Jamms, Bench & Bar Magazine, WorldFest International, Signature HealthCare, Marketing Endeavors, Wyant-Terrant & Combs, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, BWK Media, MixWorks, Dan Rhema.com, FlamencoTalk.com, The Brain Injury Association of Kentucky, Windstream, Theglittergirlslive.com, Louisville Fund For The Arts, blah, blah, blah, etc...

Musical acts that I have worked with include: The Jonas Brothers, Marion Square, The Velvet Saints, Magnetic Flux, Sally Anthony, Blade of the Ripper, The Ass Haulers, The Wil Show, Cornbread Mafia, Bodeco, Hambone, Sang...

View my portfolio, both veedeo and poto at www.aphelon.com