
I know it's long, but it's all relevant. If it's too much to read, at least read the first sentence of each paragraph to see if you should read the rest of the paragraph.

I am new to model photography, but not new to photography. I discovered photography quite by accident several years ago, and my love of the outdoors drove me to focus primarily on landscapes. I am now to the point that I want to expand my horizons and try other aspects of photography.

I have some concepts in my head for images I would like to create. I keep lists of ideas as they come to me, and I want to get these ideas out of my head and into reality.

I am also very open to helping you shoot your concepts. If you have an idea you want to try, let’s do it! If you have a ‘strange’ or crazy idea that you are afraid would make a photographer think you are off your rocker, let me know. I like people who think differently. I would probably think your idea is cool. I am up for experimentation and would probably only turn down a shoot if it involved shooting a (real) wedding or other similar event!

I live in a small town in Eastern Arizona. Some of what I want to do will have to be done here, but I also travel to Flagstaff and Winslow regularly, and I occasionally also travel to Phoenix and Albuquerque. I could easily schedule time during a trip, or even make a special trip if needed. Driving doesn’t bother me much. I do have a M-F ‘day job’ (health insurance is nice), but it does allow me some flexibility when needed.

I’m trying to stick to TFP right now, but would pay if someone had a specific look I needed. If you have to drive, I'm usually good for some gas money too. I am also open to helping you with your concepts and ideas, especially if it’s for TFP. If you are a "must be paid" type of model, how about trading for computer work? That is my day job and I'm good at it!

I love to joke and laugh, and I'm really easy going. For those who like to put a face to a profile, the last pic in my portfolio is of my daughter and me.


People on MM:
Erica S Dancer - #1299142 - Loved working with her!


13 Apr 10 08:33
very nice pictures.