Adrian Sierkowski
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加入:4 Jun 2011
最后:8 Jun 2011

Admin - iStudio Admin


My name is Adrian Sierkowski. I am technically a film Director of Photography, but also enjoy shooting on my Nikon. Generally I stick to location photography, and I am known to enjoy the odd thousand or so cups of coffee. I live in Philadelphia, but I travel often to NY and the like.
When it comes to photography, I prefer to shoot film. I like working at the lower F stop range, playing with focus to draw the eye. I prefer naturalistic lighting and continuous lighting. Generally, I shot in real locations/on location with as little equipment as possible. I want to try to catch the essence of an area, and the person within it without having obtrusive film or photographic lighting and equipment around. I try to avoid photoshopping anything, aside from setting the white and black levels while scanning up negative. I have a tendency to droll onward about how I shoot things, or about film in general (sorry you might have to suffer through it!)
By all means if you have some ideas for shots you'd like to do, or even just a "feel," or a piece of art which inspired you, and want me to shoot it; well firstly I'm honored, and secondly, drop me a line!
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AIM: Crimson238

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08 Jun 11 10:16
Very nice photos! Anytime if you need a PhotoEditing/Retoucher,please touch me! And you can send me one to have a try.This one is free. Email: My site:
06 Jun 11 07:34
wow Love your photos!!!