Kityo Derrick
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加入:4 Jun 2016
最后:11 Jun 2016

Admin - iStudio Admin


iam Kityo Derrick Alias Kits was born and raised from Uganda(East Africa) ,
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.I am kind to everyone,but when someone is unkind to me,weak is not what you are going to remember about me
I'm very smart and curious about everything. However, I don't like too much noise and chaos and prefer to be alone in a quiet place. Usually I sit upstairs in a small room/ a chair and a brush in ma hands and just relax and when am in ma moods #Painting moods ,i do paint. I'm funny, and I make cracks and jokes about everything, but sometimes I go too far, and I don't really notice it. I say what I feel about myself, a person, an event, anything and I say it out loud and proud. . I am constantly criticizing myself, and since I love to write and draw, I'm always editing things, always trying to achieve perfection in everything I do. This makes me a perfectionist and a procrastinator, and if I am assigned a project that says "do anything you want" I'm frozen. I need it to be narrowed down, I can't just go off and do ANYTHING. Give me some limitations, please.

Also, I'm cold at times, aloof, but that's only because I'm not really in touch with other people's feelings. I crave to learn all that I can, so I sometimes check out completely random books or keep clicking on highlighted words in wikipedia until I'm from fast food to knee surgery LOL.

People tell me I have a sharp eye, a way with words, nice pitch concerning singing, a nice voice, a very imaginative mind, outspoken, funny, awesome, etc.

But I'm modest. Of course people don't understand that there are so many people out there that are better at what I do than me currently. And I strive to achieve their status so that I can feel comfortable with myself. I do not like public displays of affection; it seems...crude, cheesy, innapropriate in a way. I also don't like getting too close to people, for I know that many people change their minds and attitudes so quickly that I won't be able to keep up with the times, their current likes, their current dislikes; why don't people just stick to something and follow through? I mean, stop hating and dating her, stop cussing him out and then holding hands with him the next minute. It confuses me.


Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.I am kind to everyone,but when someone is unkind to me,weak is not what you are going to remember about me