Thekiso Ramonaka
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加入:12 Mar 2016
最后:15 Apr 2016


Thekiso Ramonaka is a photojournalist and a seasoned fashion photographer who profiles models, celebrities and sports people. I deal mostly with models in my native country Botswana just to help them find or get a platform that could see them sell to major fashion power houses and countries. Modelling is a passion and takes focus, dedication and hard work and photographing models is an art because it takes creative concepts to inspire.

I have worked with a lot of models and designers and have covered a lot of fashion shows like the Lansmore Wedding Expo and Fashion Week, Fashion Without Borders: Designers Road Show, Legit Activation Fashion just to name a few. Most of my work can be seen on my Facebook profile ( Thekiso Alaska Ramonaka)


Thekiso Ramonaka


15 Mar 16 20:14
Welcome! Wishing you all the best.