
Free lance photographer whose main interest is in shooting people of all types and shapes. Pin-ups, portraits, & penetrating glimpses into the soul of an individual are specific goals when working behind the lens. Since life is a continuous stream of events that change from one perspective to another; the lens picks up what the mind passes over and a photographer remains challenged to capture the essence of a personality in 1/60th of a second. Reality, and the balance of an individual, lasts interminably longer but the photographic artist captures one small glimpse of a bigger reality. Defining glimpses of my vision is a challenge, a tempting mistress and a curse. There are so many ways to perceive people and the shutter is a means of freezing time so it can be observed at length. As a marketing initiative, my goals are to illustrate what I see and to share it with others in hopes they'll share the vision and see the subject or idea in a new light. It's a complicated road, most intriguing journeys usually are.........
Current projects include a pin up golf calendar (see portfolio examples), visions of the beach in Ft. Lauderdale and capturing the South Florida light on area golf courses. I joined Model Mayhem to network, expand my vision of what artistic expression and to find professional, enthusiastic, creative models & artists who will co-create my concepts and expand my vision of beauty as well as illustrate the larger concepts of life and truth. Drop a note if you've liked my port, I love to hear opinions of others who look at my work with fresh insight.


I would highly recommend any of the models found in my Top 12 Friends. They've worked on creative ideas with me & expanded my concepts to bring beauty and fun to a very old game!! Please show them some love by checking out their ports and tagging the pics you appreciate. My hope is to promote these incredible models with my vision of them - all while paying tribute to the game of golf that has transfixed my mind!!