
I'm a semi-professional who first used a Kodak Brownie camera, and made the move to digital in 2007. I love getting up early to see a beautiful sunrise, meeting new friends and helping new models build their portfolios. I shoot outdoors, and indoor with natural lighting. I use a standard TF model release, letting you choose 10 images for your unlimited use. Escorts are always welcome.



26 Jul 10 20:40
This is a friendly inivte for you to come to SO-MOD 2010 Southern Model Expo and Entertainment Convention Saturday August 14 in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Would love to have you at the event.
19 Mar 10 16:02
Hey there! Thanks for the add! I think we are friends on MM but I'm not sure! LOL
23 Feb 10 18:07
yes I do Know April. I worked with her, here in Dickson. We can shoot whenever you have time. Just message me.