 查看相册 (13)

加入:14 Aug 2013
最后:27 Dec 2017


Have you ever thought who takes the photographs of the lawnmowers and garden machinery, electronic circuit boards, electrical appliances and other objects in instruction manuals? Well here I am.

Apart from the usual landscape, sunset and wildlife that all togs do, I spent the last five years doing macro shots and engineering photos for the web and instruction books/manuals.

Looking to put new ideas in print and new faces in old shots. also known as RiksPiks and Studio 162 depending on the genre.



16 Aug 13 16:26
Photo Retoucher available! Please check out my work and if you're interested in my services feel free to send me an email :) If you're interested in a chance to win a free photo retouch like Brunette Grenade Retouching on Facebook!