Donny Adhitya Rahman
41 岁
Jakarta, Indonesia
Currently in Tegal
IS #:27822
- Hati memiliki banyak alasan yang tidak dapat dipahami nalar
- Takut terhadap cinta adalah takut terhadap kehidupan.
Barang siapa yang takut pada kehidupan sudah tiga perempat mati
- People understand that you don’t need to be on the covers of magazines with your face to make good music. Painters or other artists, you don’t know them but you know what they are doing.
i ♥ photography
i ♥ photoshop
i ♥ rokenROL
i ♥ my life
what else should i love ?
ting..ring ting ting .. ♫
ym : myrs_incubus
┌П┐ (◣_◢)┌П┐ zionis !!!!
┌П┐ (◣_◢)┌П┐ hell !!!!
Asik - asik aja ama apa yang lo mau...tapi gak usah reseh...!!!!
(tangan kanan = kuburan --- tangan kiri = rumah sakit)
- Takut terhadap cinta adalah takut terhadap kehidupan.
Barang siapa yang takut pada kehidupan sudah tiga perempat mati
- People understand that you don’t need to be on the covers of magazines with your face to make good music. Painters or other artists, you don’t know them but you know what they are doing.
i ♥ photography
i ♥ photoshop
i ♥ rokenROL
i ♥ my life
what else should i love ?
ting..ring ting ting .. ♫
ym : myrs_incubus
┌П┐ (◣_◢)┌П┐ zionis !!!!
┌П┐ (◣_◢)┌П┐ hell !!!!
Asik - asik aja ama apa yang lo mau...tapi gak usah reseh...!!!!
(tangan kanan = kuburan --- tangan kiri = rumah sakit)