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 英制 (lbs/in.)
 公制 (kg/cms.)
人种 :白人
加入:29 Jan 2013
最后:25 Jun 2013


****Email: LJonesModeling@gmail.com****


Update: Feb 2013 pretty much all booked up. Booking for March 2013 now
A little bit about me and my style:

~My name is Lisa Jones, not Dixie Grace. Let me elaborate. My mom wanted to name me Dixie Grace but when I didn't come out with freckles or red hair (when red hair doesn't run in either side of my family) she decided to use the name my dad wanted. Thus Lisa Jones was born Nov. 17, 1988 not Dixie Grace. But I do think it's a pretty name

~I treat modeling like I would any other job. There is a time for play and a time for being serious in the industry. Therefore, I am very punctual. I'd rather be an hour early than a minute late so I can guarantee that I will always show up early for a shoot; even if call time is 6 am. I work hard and I take feedback from the photographer very well. If the photographer isn't happy, than I'm not happy. I've come to learn, the more idiotic or incredibly awkward the pose, the better the image. I enjoy learning and in this industry I am always learning something new.

~ ALSO, I understand that things come up, things change, a photographer finds a more suitable model for a gig at the last second....PLEASE!!! I ask that if for ANY reason you do not want to continue with a shoot (be it model, photographer, MUA, or hair stylist) then let me know ASAP. I do NOT bite and I won't put you on a "list" of people not to work with- I don't believe I need to lend a hand in ruining someone's career, that person will obviously do enough damage to their career on their own; they don't need my assistance. I don't need to know the minute details as to why you can't proceed with the shoot, just a simple message would be at least common courtesy. I have my email posted at the very top of my page and I respond to ALL private messages on MM with my direct phone number so there is absolutely NO excuse NOT to get in touch with me if you have to cancel. I have plenty of other people I could work with. All I ask is that you DO NOT waste my time. Modeling is not my "hobby" it is a "passion". Please repsect that.

~ Booking work: If I tell you I am interested in scheduling a shoot with you and I feel that I am being strung along (i.e. no set location, no phone number, a week with no response to an email) then I will simply move on to the next gig. I do not have time for people to twiddle their thumbs and decide whether or not they want to confirm details with me because they aren't completely sure that I am a model that won't flake on them. I am a human being with a well-developed frontal lobe therefore, I have developed ethical reasoning, sympathy, empathy towards others but I wasn't born yesterday so do not try to scam me or string me along. I will not wait around.

~I am a full time employee as well as a Biology student. Therefore, timing is of the essence for me. Please, all I ask when scheduling shoots with me is that you give more than a day or two notice that you want to work together. I book work very quickly and may not have open availability until the next month.

~ Wardrobe: I have a pretty diverse wardrobe to choose from. 95% of the clothes/accessories/shoes seen in my port are mine. I am constantly on the look out for new stuff. Thrift stores, consignment shops, and garage sales are by far my favorite places to shop for new wardrobe...it feeds an addiction

~ Available for TF and Paid assignments. Rates are negotiable and I'm also willing to barter. Just ask.

*Please Note* Due to the amount of nude work I've completed, I'm no longer accepting TF assignments for nude work. If interested, please just inquire about my rates.

~I don't like boring, simple, snore...I prefer color, action, eye candy, heart gripping, emotion evoking...art. I love to try new things, new ideas, collaborate with multiple people at once...shoot me your ideas and most likely I'll be up for it! I'd love to do more body painting, edgy (hard to define but anything different), pin ups, bright colors, grunge, mixing fashion with trash...you get the idea, I'm open minded!

~ I can NOT work with people who are stiff, arrogant, and snooty...substitute your own word, you get the idea. I love to laugh and I prefer to work with those who know how to crack a smile during a shoot. I just want to be comfortable...I understand modeling is work but it doesn't have to be hard work.

~ As a model, I'm only 1 part to the image being created. As a photographer, you have the eye. You have the image already in your mind. PLEASE communicate that vital piece of information to me. I want to help you get the best image you envision. Without communication/feedback from the photographer, I have NO direction other than my own (which may not be what you are hoping to capture). So please do not be afraid to tell me what you want, what you like, dont like, want to try, hate or loathe. This will help us create art. It's that simple.

~ My goal is to meet new people from every aspect of the fashion industry and learn new things. I LOVE learning..been a nerd since forever and a day. I'm interested in expanding my book to reflect my versatility. When working with me, you will find that very little scares me and I'm up to try just about anything. Even if it means jumping into the middle of sawgrass to get that perfect shot (just keep the alligator snapping turtles away from my toes)

~I also LOVE coffee. I'm more than willing, and quite prefer, to meet a photographer, MUA, stylist, ect. over some coffee before shooting. I mean if you carve out some time in your insanely busy schedule to have a cup of brew and meet the model you will be working with it breaks down any awkwardness and barriers that may still be up when you first show up to shoot. Plus when it comes time to shoot you will know what you're getting; appearance and personality wise. I'll pay, don't let a $5 cup of coffee stop you from breaking the ice.

TO THE SCAMMERS AND CON ARTISTS OUT THERE: I am a student (which means I know that research is important) and I come from a mother that works with private investigators.....SO whenever I book a shoot, a meeting, or prospect with a new company I do my homework. I check references, including contacting them directly for their opinion. I've had people on here try to represent themselves as Elite Models agents and unfortunately their information was turned over to Elite's lawyers because I contacted Elite directly to confirm employment and that person was NOT employed by Elite Models. There are many uneducated models on this site, I'm not asking you to try to pull the wool over their eyes, I'm simply asking you to take your illegal practices somewhere else because more than likely if you try to scam me, I will call you out.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my profile and I look forward to working with talented individuals!
Anything else, feel free to drop a line!

Have a good day!


- Gibert Henry Photos
- Michael Fryd
- Atabeyra Romero
- Photos by Neo
- John LaMarche


29 Jan 13 15:37
Thank you for adding me as your friend if you got some time love you to contract me so we can talk about working together. As you can tell only add female models I truly want to work with.