I am the owner of fashion and textile domains like doublebreastedsuit.com, doublebreasted.net, doublebreasteddress.com, doublebreastedshirt.com, and foreign-language variants like trajecruzado.com, costoumecroise.com and trespassado.com. I am waiting to develop textileprices.com, clothprices.com, and woolworsted.com. I have started selling women's double-breasted fashions at http://www.doublebreasted.me, which is currently pointing to my eBay store. I am always looking for new models to help build my brand!
I have been an avid amateur photographer for years, focusing mainly on landscapes and architecture. I used to sell clothes offline, and have always been interested in clothes-making and textiles. When I started selling clothes online, I decided to start shooting models myself. I am always learning new techniques and building my inventory of equipment.
I am also open to supplying clothing to your shoot in exchange for acknowledgement and promotion. I have vintage clothing of all types, men's and women's, in addition to my ladies double-breasted fast fashions. If you are a model who is willing to make a short "haul" video about my products, I am willing to supply wardrobe. I have a number of pieces in my collection that aren't currently listed on me eBay, Etsy, or other marketplaces, so it couldn't hurt to ask. I might just have what you are looking for, even in men's clothing. I would be perfectly happy to discuss loans of garments as long as we lay out some ground rules beforehand.