 查看相册 (12)

加入:2 Dec 2012
最后:15 Jan 2013



Photography is an art, a way to use a two dimensional image to convey an emotion.

LIMITED TFP!!! If I like your concept or idea I am willing to TFP, but if it is something I already have in my port please inquire for rates. I am very reasonable for fellow professionals! (I.E. I will give you an great rate if you are just looking to up your portfolio. I am also reasonable for commercial work.)

How I work: For any given series of shots I will pick 1-3 as the “good ones.” From there I’ll post process them pretty significantly, depending on the look I want to achieve. My goal is always to make the final product meet the expectations I have. While I don’t take myself too seriously, I do take my art seriously. Reputation is based on every shoot.

If we shoot together I will talk to you before the shoot so we can get on the same page with the final product we are looking to create.
I have a small studio at my home in New Bern if studio work is required for any portion of the concept.

I am happily married to a gorgeous creature (former model, before we met), and you can expect that she will be at most shoots working as my photographic assistant. I’m happy to work with all sexes, creeds and colors , but I am not here to date any of them.

If you are interested in hiring me just shoot me an email with your budget and what the shoot is. My rates are pretty reasonable for creative concepts and still moderate for commercial products.

If you are a model and have an idea you want to pursue, I'm all ears. I'm not aloof and "above" working on a project someone is interested in by any stretch. Although I generally work for hire only, TFP is sometimes an option.

