
So am I an artist ? some say yes... my opinion.. I just like to do what pass by my mind.

I'm an ex movie editor, had directed few short movie and video clip, and i'm now a Chocolate Master, i do design and so chocolate design and I'm also a Life Caster, Member of ALI(Association of Life Caster International) , what thats ?

"Thats like making 3D photo, statues exact replica of the model, this is done by casting the model to get a mould of the body using different material, as alginate, gypsum bandage, Silicon....
and then making the statue with diffrent materials, chocolate, what was I use for my first exhibition here in Jakarta... or resine, synthetic stone, gypsum, wood particule...

Have a look at the pictures, comments are welcomes.

I'm actualy looking for models male and female .

Feel free to contact me if you want to know more; about life casting technique (or have a look at Wikipedia, very detail) ;and about my project.


13 Dec 10 05:05
I like your work.... when we can arrange time for meet...?
01 Dec 10 14:24
Whoa. You're awesome!