 查看相册 (14)

加入:8 Sep 2012
最后:2 Oct 2012

Admin - iStudio Admin
PS Graphics Art


I am a professional photographer exploring creative projects. I started in film, then went to ad agencies and ended being creative director at two medium to large agencies. However I spent most of my working life as a producer/director, making mostly wild life documentaries.

I am now concentrating on art projects. I have the freedom to create both film and photographic work without the normal constraints, the work I want to do. I also sculpt so the three disciplines tend to feed off each other.

I now want to explore everything that has been playing on the big screen in my head. I am also happy to discuss projects and help others where I can. I do not do TFP or TFCD, however if some-one wants help I am more than willing to have a chat. If your project is something that tickle my fancy I might be convinced different.

(apologies for grammatical inefficiencies, English is not my native language.)

