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人种 :白人
加入:8 Aug 2013
最后:7 Aug 2014

Admin - iStudio Admin


Bam! To Behold, Colin.
I'm an amateur Model, Actor, & Dancer, all around performer!

Growing up I've always known I wanted to perform for people. Nothing lights my heart a blaze than being in front of a crowd of people and seeing their faces light up because of me. So knowing that was my path, I've always been perceptive to the industry side of the fame and fortune that Hollywood does such a good job of hiding. But I've always wondered:
1) Why are there not more models who appeal to the "average joe" in magazines, on TV or in Movies.
2) Why does every model have to be size 0, weigh less than a feather, and be fake from head to toe, to be considered "Beautiful"

These 2 things have always bothered me. So in the past year since I've finally been able to get my modeling career underway, my end goal has really been highlighted in my mind:
"To destroy the Hollywood 'Ideal' of beauty, and create a path for the average man/woman to walk, head held high."
I'm not saying that modeling is for everyone, but I think fashion and movie industries are propagating horrible stereotypes and cliques that don't need to be there, and I hope to one day change that, through my own words and actions, and through those of the people around me!

Now enough about my mission, let's take a look at my work!
I'm always open for new and invigorating work, be it bold and provocative, or just something classy and simple. I love everything Steampunk and work very well with any sort of vintage-noire photography. Whether its living the good life or haunting the ghost stories, there's always a great shot with me.
I also enjoy dark and gritty modeling. Industrial, goth, horror/murder shoots. Give me some combat boots, fishnets and rivets and you'll have the next cover page of BME.

In my spare time I enjoy dancing quite a bit and am currently part of a break dance crew here in Columbus. Let me tell you, NO ONE ever expects the big bearded dude on the sideline to bust out and dance. I also do some film and stage work on the side, as one day I hope to have my name and face on billboards, magazines, movie posters and theatre marquis. I absolutely love performing for people, and being the life of the party.

I'm open for all types of modeling and acting. Just send me a message with your suggestion and we can discuss ideas and payment.

Thanks for your time! :)

Columbus "Zombiewalk 2012" promo video



Gary M Photo(SFW) #1112776

Red Generation Photography #1005665

Darkheart Photography #1621342

Giles Clement #484673

*Eric Wagner


Collision Chaos Media #2591807


Tess #1712992

*indicates No MM profile.