58 岁
Tavernier, Florida
IS #:2344465
Years ago a friend asked me to help him sail from the Florida Keys to Roatan, Honduras aboard a 42' Catamaran. I decided to buy my first DSLR for the trip to document this amazing adventure. I came home from the trip and decided to take a class in photography from Danny Steyn in Ft. Lauderdale. This TOTALLY changed the way I shoot and look at subjects. The camera has rarely left my side since then. I have visited 15 other countries since then and hope to see more and more in the near future. Traveling and photography have become my greatest passions. I have always enjoyed shooting people in natural environments never posed, now im looking to shoot with models. I prefer natural lighting and backgrounds.
Currently I am seeking to work with models to build my portfolio and help others build theirs...
Feel free to contact me if your a model with an idea or concept your looking to shoot AND of course in or around South Florida.
Currently I am seeking to work with models to build my portfolio and help others build theirs...
Feel free to contact me if your a model with an idea or concept your looking to shoot AND of course in or around South Florida.