
Punctual | Professional | Not here to hook up | Not a flake

CONTACT ME VIA MY SITE: www.kendavie.com

I'm a commercial photographer. I was trained by (assisted) one of the world's most renowned automotive photographers and two amazing food/tech photographers. I specialize in product and automotive photography but transitioning towards fashion and beauty.

Testing: Always interested in working with MUA's, stylists agency models and agency caliber models. Please contact me and we'll get to work.

TFP/CD: While I'd like to shoot with everybody, it's just not possible. TF work is limited to individual models which have "THE LOOK" or an amazing concept to which I cannot say no. The "Look" means A) You have been blessed with a an amazing face, one suited for cosmetic ads B) You are least 5'8" (173cm) , physically fit (lean), have great teeth, clear skin and great hair. If your port has limited images, please be prepared to supply industry standard images for new model submissions (polaroids); contact me and I'll send you the details. Minors: Only by referral from your agency and must be accompanied by at least 1 legal guardian (I prefer both).

Paid Shoots: Send a message if you'd like to work together, but I have a few simple rules: 1) Non-refundable deposits are required; 2) I don't work with flakes; 3) Don't come in looking like you've been up partying all night; 4) I don't do drama.

Escorts: Bring one if you need to. However, they are not to be a distraction to either of us. So, please don't bring your mate, spouse, partner, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, chatty annoying friend(s) and or best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend. Escorts should find something to occupy their time (off set) while we're working.

*** A note concerning Flyby friend requests ***
I don't accept them. People on this list are my friends, colleagues, individuals I've worked with and or going to work with.


My images and collaborations have been reproduced in or by:
Hot Bike Magazine
Road & Track
Car & Driver
Orange Coast Magazine
Beckman Research
Western Digital
Shelby Racing


02 Feb 12 12:31
Beautiful work!