
Suggested Reading before you die:

Things Fall Apart
A long Way gone (memoirs of a boy soldier)
Drown (junot Diaz)
The death of Ivan Illich
All Harry Potter books ( from first to last in order and dont try to take a short cut and watch the movies, there will be a loss of meaning)
The Firm, Run away Jury, and A time to Kill (once again, books not movies)

Movies to watch before you die:
Lord of the Rings (all three in order)
Silence of the Lambs
The Joy Luck Club
Sometimes in April
Hotel Ruwanda

TV shows you need to buy and watch before you die:

The Wire (all seasons)
Watch Jeopordy every day!
Stealing Lincolns Body (History Channel, call them up and order the DVD)
Big Love
No reservations (travel Channel)
Man vs Food (travel Channel)
Family Guy
And never watch reality shows, they fry your brain and make you stupid.

Songs to listen to and listen to again:

War: by Bob Marley

Ok now a little about me. I like taking pictures and If you want to work with me, give me a holler.

