Bryce McKinney
 查看相册 (10)

 英制 (lbs/in.)
 公制 (kg/cms.)
体重:164 lbs
人种 :白人
加入:5 Jan 2011
最后:5 Jan 2011


Time and time again people keep saying I should be a model and I've always wanted to be a model, so I'm going for it and I hope MM can do a lot in the way of me becoming a model! "Go big or go home" is what I've been living by and I am going to reach for the stars and work really hard to reach them.
I act, sing, and dance, for anything that involves art, I am all for it. I also am working to become a Pediatric doctor when I am older and I believe modeling could "pay" for a lot of the costs that are soon to come from all the schooling I will be going through. I know how to balance many tasks at one time, so don't think I can't handle what you have, for I always love a challenge--it's what makes me better! I love the art aspect of modeling as well as just being in front of a camera--being photogenic is what I'm all about. I am very dedicated and you won't be disappointed--I take modeling very seriously with a fun, outgoing, willing to try anything, and "corky" zest to it all. I am willing to travel for modeling, for I know that I must make sacrifices to do modeling and I will travel if it is paid, so just communicate and I'll gladly take your offer. Please no scam artists-- I don't need people ruining something that I love and that I treat like a job, so please be serious or do not contact me, thank you!
Thanks for your time and looking at my profile! Hope to talk to you soon!


Without my friend, Rachel Watkins, I would not be where I am today with my modeling profile, so all I can say is thank you to her and everyone else who has gotten me this far! MM#1992511