Catch me here:
And Here:
And of course here:
https://plus.google.com/b/1080146776930 … 4957/posts
Oh and don't forget here:
And all of your other favorites.
My studio is located in the heart of the fashion district.

Agency Approved Published Photographer

!!!!Please Read!!!!
Currently testing with agency represented models only.
I am testing the following as I've gained a new space, am in a new market and have upgraded my lighting equipment.:
Hair inspired concepts
Beauty inspired concepts
Perfect lighting "golden hour" swimsuit shots (special focus on high end retouching)
Fashion based off of clothing inspired set design
Edgy black and white shots based off of expression and emotion
When testing I provide proof versions of all shots taken on the shoot within 24hours. 1 image per look may be selected for final touches and both a web version and a print version will be provided back upon completion of the edits.
A Model release is part of the deal.
I'm not looking to shoot with shy models. By this I do not mean comfortable with nudity, I mean I need models that are versatile with facial expressions and are comfortable with showing emotion on camera. I've seen powerful images that were poorly lit, poorly composed, were minimally styled, had no production value whatsoever but ROCKED because the model killed it with movement and expression. I just want to bring my skills at composition, production value and concepts to life with models that can bring an equal amount of talent.
Contact me for rates and availability
Available for location or studio work.
Call me a traditionalist but historically photographers have not paid models. Actually, it works the other way around!
And Here:
And of course here:
https://plus.google.com/b/1080146776930 … 4957/posts
Oh and don't forget here:
And all of your other favorites.
My studio is located in the heart of the fashion district.

Agency Approved Published Photographer

!!!!Please Read!!!!
Currently testing with agency represented models only.
I am testing the following as I've gained a new space, am in a new market and have upgraded my lighting equipment.:
Hair inspired concepts
Beauty inspired concepts
Perfect lighting "golden hour" swimsuit shots (special focus on high end retouching)
Fashion based off of clothing inspired set design
Edgy black and white shots based off of expression and emotion
When testing I provide proof versions of all shots taken on the shoot within 24hours. 1 image per look may be selected for final touches and both a web version and a print version will be provided back upon completion of the edits.
A Model release is part of the deal.
I'm not looking to shoot with shy models. By this I do not mean comfortable with nudity, I mean I need models that are versatile with facial expressions and are comfortable with showing emotion on camera. I've seen powerful images that were poorly lit, poorly composed, were minimally styled, had no production value whatsoever but ROCKED because the model killed it with movement and expression. I just want to bring my skills at composition, production value and concepts to life with models that can bring an equal amount of talent.
Contact me for rates and availability
Available for location or studio work.
Call me a traditionalist but historically photographers have not paid models. Actually, it works the other way around!
What they are saying about me:
"Thank you for getting the photos to me so fast!! You did a fucking awesome job. I had a really hard time choosing so I will leave the final decision up to you out of the following photos. I would love to do another shoot with you when I get back
You have brought my port to a completely different level. Thank you!" - Step Dangerfield
" My pictures came out so good and my best picture in my portfolio was taken by you" -Kelli Serio
"I am very blessed to have had the opportunity to work with you! The vibe in the studio was great. You are great to work with. Very professional and lively. I can't wait to work with you again!" -Jazzy S
Print Tears
-Village Voice
-LA weekly
"Thank you for getting the photos to me so fast!! You did a fucking awesome job. I had a really hard time choosing so I will leave the final decision up to you out of the following photos. I would love to do another shoot with you when I get back

" My pictures came out so good and my best picture in my portfolio was taken by you" -Kelli Serio
"I am very blessed to have had the opportunity to work with you! The vibe in the studio was great. You are great to work with. Very professional and lively. I can't wait to work with you again!" -Jazzy S
Print Tears
-Village Voice
-LA weekly