lester lee
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加入:29 Aug 2009
最后:18 Jun 2011

Admin - iStudio Admin


Lester Lee Po Fun has spent the last 15 years of his life in professional photography.He studied at the Polytechnic of Manchester, north of England. After graduated from the Bournemouth and Poole School of Art and Design in 1990, he travelled to Spain to work for J Walter Thompson, EMI & Sony Music (Espana) and Virgin Records (U K), and Vanidad (Espana) Magazine. Some of the famous celebrities that he photographed include Jodie Foster, Paco Rabanne, and Tom Jones. In just 3 short years, Lester Lee became one of highest profile photographer in his field and was elected to be one of the twenty most outstanding photographers in Europe for the Kodak European Panorama in 1993. For the next 13 years, Lester Lee opened his own studio, Lester Lee Photo Workshop, in his home country Hong Kong and continued garnishing awards from the advertising field, including a British Design and Art Direction award in 2001, Cannes Lions award and Hong Kong Institute of professional Photographers (HKIPP) Grand Award for a Sony advertisement.2007 Asia Photo Awards(HKIPP) Gold Award Professional Division on People. In his spare time, he also appeared as a guest lecturer and honourable guest for schools and photography convention in both Hong Kong and China. His work often displays a mix of Mediterranean style and his own Asian heritage. This is most evident in his latest photography book, coincidentally termed Lester Lee. As described by Julian Lee (MA, RCA), assistant professor for City University of Hong Kong, school of Creative Media, and Alan Tat-Ming Yu (BA Hons, MA, RCA), assistant professor for Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Lester Lee is a magician of female nudes.
Lester Lee PO FUN(李寶勳) 就讀於英格蘭的Polytechnic of Manchester學校。1990年, 他從Bournemouth and poole 藝術與設計學校畢業,獲得了媒體設計高級學位証書。在過去的十多年裡,他都一直投身於職業攝影生涯。1991年,他來到西班牙,就職於J Walter Thompson, EMI & Sony Music (Espana) and Virgin Records (U K), 和Vanidad (Espana) 雜誌,為Jodie Foster、Paco Rehanne、Tom Jones等一系列名人拍攝過肖像。在短短的三年的時間裡,Lester Lee就成為本地區最優秀的人像攝影師之一。1993年憑借為柯達拍攝的歐洲全景照片,Lester Lee躍升為全歐洲二十位最著名的攝影師之一。在此之後,一種尋求獨立的衝動使他回到香港,披荊斬棘,開創了自己的事業成功之路。八年時間裡, Lester Lee 一直在自己獨立經營的工作室李斯特李攝影工作室工作。作為一名經驗豐富的廣告攝影師,他贏得了本行業的眾多專業獎項,包括2001年英國藝術設計導演獎、嘎納金獅獎及香港職業師協會授予的榮譽証書。
在倫敦,馬德里和台北 One Man Show Of Photography,Lester Lee 都舉協了系列展覽,他的作品也被收錄在亞洲和歐洲出版的書籍裡。那些展示地中海和亞洲傳統風格相結合的作品呈現出與眾不同的藝術魅力。作為一個真正的藝術家, Lester Lee 擁有創造的夢想,並樂於與人分享他的原創經驗。在這些作品裡,你將發現這些獨特的想法和他捕捉美的完美角度,並被其吸引而深深沉迷。



29 Aug 09 17:31
welcome and not in the 3rd person!lol: ) xoxo