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 英制 (lbs/in.)
 公制 (kg/cms.)
体重:102 lbs
三围:31-27-33 in
人种 :亚裔
加入:22 Nov 2009
最后:24 Mar 2020


I've mostly been a photographer, but I wanted to try something new and sign up to be a model. I need to start learning more about portraiture by first watching and interacting with other photographers doing the same, and what better way to do that than to model for those photographers? Plus I get to walk away with some amazing shots, and the experience of having tried something new. The idea is that ideally, I could trade endless ideas for shoots with the photographer. Well, I thought it was genius, and it sounds pretty good in theory, but you tell me.

A somewhat important aside: Apparently MM asks you to answer this when filling out your profile, but it doesn't actually show up on the profile in question. So I'll clear it up once and for all. I *don't* do nudes. As for lingerie/implied/etc., what would you need *me* for? There are PLENTY of better-endowed models on MM. To be honest, I'm mostly interested in experimental and conceptual photography, as I've never done it before, and if you feel like you have some interesting ideas, don't hesitate to PM me. I say PM because I'm pretty oblivious to tags/friend requests/photo comments.

I'm also only interested in trade, since I'm really doing this for fun. That isn't to say that I won't be professional when we shoot, but if anything, I'll be more professional and more enthusiastic. As a rule, I don't like sticking to stereotypes, so no, I won't flake. I literally will show up even if I'm half dead if I've got something scheduled. As of right now, I'm in the middle of school, so if I don't respond within a day or two, it's likely I have some insane paper to do, but I will get back to you. Did I mention I'm an English major? Any photo with a fine arts slant will win my heart. I'm not here to make soft porn, though nothing against you if you do. It's just not me.

2nd Update: I'm also really interested in doing different looks ATM, so anything with a makeup artist involved will get me super excited. :) Again, I want to repeat that my purpose is to have fun, and this is one of my many creative outlets; hopefully, I can share that creative process with the people I meet here.

There's that then. You can either PM me here or drop me an email at Be prepared for a barrage of concepts from me if you do though, and don't say I didn't warn you.



05 Feb 22 00:19
Boston mass USA MISHA Lets shoot TFP ( YOUR FUN PICS) Misha
19 May 10 19:29
Glad, If you need anything we are all here and if you are interested in contributing to our magazine, feel free to message me:
23 Nov 09 04:21
Oo! I almost went to Boston a few weeks ago, just missed you!