DMF Photos
Currently in Aiea
IS #:1352625
DA Photography is an offspring of Drift Apparel Clothing located in Honolulu, Hawaii. Drift Apparel has been in business for almost 6 years now and I have been doing all shoots since. Most of our shoots is used for ads and our websites, which are visited by thousands everyday and we have sold our clothing to people worldwide. We are currently redesigning our entire look and await release of new clothing this July, so we will be in need of models to showcase new items.
Websites & Ads: (Drift Apparel, LLC. website and online store) (Drift Apparel, LLC. other website)
Import Tuner Magazine (photos used in Advertisement)
C16 Magazine (photos used in Advertisement)
Models worked with:
Keris Kuwana (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Serena Lee (Los Angeles, CA)
Brandy T. (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Kymm G. (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Model Lyz (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Ling G. (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Jasmine F. (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Lima (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Jenny Chu (Los Angeles, CA)
Amber Marie Won (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Tsuki (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Dawn Asamura (Las Vegas, NV)
Kara Navarro (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Nikki Sotelo (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Traci N. (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Jonelle H. (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Jenny P. (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Omi-Leigh (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Janel (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Other Companies, Events, Photographers, Etc. we have worked with: (Not necessarily to do with Photography)
Race Factory (Hawaii)
Island Preview (Hawaii)
Icons Fashion Show (Imports Lifesytle premier fashion show in Los Angeles)
Jeptha's Fashion Show @ The Living Room (Hawaii)
Xhift Magazine (Hawaii)
Midweek (Hawaii)
StarBulletin (Hawaii)
Streetcar Showoff (Hawaii)
Imagery Graphics (Hawaii)
D1 Grand Prix (Japan & CA)
Hot Import Nights (Los Angeles, Seattle, Honolulu)
JGTC (Fontana, CA)
Drift Session (Hawaii)
Drift Showoff (Hawaii)
Drift Battle Hawaii (Hawaii)
Schikane Clothing (Los Angeles, CA)
Cipher Garage (Los Angeles, CA)
Tokyo Drive (Los Angeles, CA)
Driftwell (Los Angeles, CA)
Drifting Pretty (Los Angeles, CA)
Misc. Club Promotions (Seattle, LA, Hawaii)
Brian Kim Photography (Hawaii)
Island Hunnies (Hawaii)
MasterMind Entertainment (Hawaii)
Elise Entertainment (Seattle & Hawaii)
Envizion Models (California, Seattle, Hawaii)
Dion Wong Photography (California, Seattle, Hawaii)
Reflex Media (Chicago)
Toucan Industries (Florida)
C16 Magazine (Florida)
Industry Showcase Fashion Show (Los Angeles)