My Portrait Studio has now become William Ricks Photography!
Looking to TFP/CD work with local models to help them develop their portfolio. Would like to use some of the images for promotional use. I work with models to help them get the shots they want or are interested in getting. If interested please contact me:
Phone - (801) 703-0432 - (Texting is good too.)
Email - wricks@WilliamRicks.com
Member WPPI - Wedding &Portrait Photographers International
Looking to TFP/CD work with local models to help them develop their portfolio. Would like to use some of the images for promotional use. I work with models to help them get the shots they want or are interested in getting. If interested please contact me:
Phone - (801) 703-0432 - (Texting is good too.)
Email - wricks@WilliamRicks.com
Member WPPI - Wedding &Portrait Photographers International