Casting Calls
Kayla Jane Danger - may 10 2009
Fetish / Bondage / Nude Shooting Opportunity for LA photographers!!!
Los Angeles, United States

looking for Photographer

Starting : 3 Jun 2009
Duration : 1 day(s)
The Digital Danger Doll House is here - Hosted by Kayla-Jane-DANGER and Bryan of SoCal Digital Images.

THIS IS AN ALL INCLUSIVE SHOOT - no hidden fees - no release costs - no haggling or surprises!


Ashley Ann Marie:

Dakota Rose: ...
Views : 3120
Looking for Sexy Female models to shoot new Editorial project by Pavel Shpak
Brooklyn, United States

looking for Female Models

Starting : 3 Jun 2009
Duration : 5 day(s)
I am looking for gorgeous models that know how to move beautifully in front of my camera. We will be doing a new concept of editorial. Something that will be all over youtube and completly new, never done by anyone.

Here is a link to my work

if interested send me a link to your pics. Thanks!
Views : 1105
Looking for Testing Female Models for Photoshoot
Miami, United States

looking for Female Models  and offerring TF*.

Starting : 2 Jun 2009
Duration : 30 day(s)
Looking for Female Models, who are looking to update their portfolios. There are Two projects that will take place in Miami.
Models must be size 2 (sample size) and must be at least 5'9".
No monetary compensation is offered. Models will be provided with photographs.

Interested models please email your information to

Views : 1236
Top NYC Photographer for Portfolio, Modeling Work, Booking throughout the YEAR!!
NY, United States

looking for Both Female and Male Models

Starting : 1 Jun 2009
Duration : 90 day(s)
I still have a few days available if anyone want to shoot a Portfolio, head shots, Editorial & Fashion for their portfolio.

Packages start as little as $100 with studio and on location shoots( I will tell you now, I had a beautiful model come in and we shot a full 48 pic portfolio in just 2 hours with studio and on location Fashion shots.)

I have scouted locations from abandoned houses, to broken down factories for fashion and editorial pictures!
I have exclusive locations that we are ...
Views : 1386
Inked Photography - Mizuz Inkaholik
Inked Photography is coming to San Antonio......
San Antonio, United States

looking for Female Models

Starting : 27 Jun 2009
Duration : 3 day(s)
I will be in San Antonio for the 5th Annual Alamo City Tattoo Show. Once again I will be shooting for Urban Ink Magazine. However if you’re interested in setting up a shoot with me hit me up. I will have special convention rates. You don't have to have ink. Inked Photography does not discriminate about the models and photos I accept. I will do a shoot with all models of all shapes, sizes, and color.
Views : 1223
John Walker - M.Blue
Looking to Book shoots for the last weeks of June.
West Chester, Rockland/Orange County, United States

looking for Female Models

Starting : 29 Jun 2009
Duration : 5 day(s)
Looking for any models that are looking to book shoots. I have a home studio and also can do on location shoots. If any one is intersted in shooting at a abandoned location like old hospital I am the person for that. Take a look at my abandon website @

My Model Photography Rates are as follows.

Glamour, fashion, boudoir, artistic nude, swimsuit, retro, etc...

The Budget Package - $80
-The budget photo shoot is designed to be something simple that we can both ...
Views : 1176
Nude in Nature
Jasper area, United States

looking for Female Models  and offerring Cash Money.

Starting : 4 Jun 2009
Duration : 1 day(s)
Female nude model needed for "Nude in Nature" themed art shoot. Model must be comfortable completely nude outdoors and flexible for various poses at lakeside location. No implied or hand bra's.
NO spread shots. Hair and make-up at model's discretion.
Length of shoot.....2 hours
Rate of pay for shoot....$150.00/entire shoot
Gas expense negotiable
age range 18 to 45
TFCD if model requests headshots after session will be considered.
If interested, send a message with headshot and full ...
Views : 1199
STM Eye Candy Models - Blackout shoot
New Studio In Laurel Maryland needs Eye Candy Models
Laurel , United States

looking for Female Models  and offerring Cash Money.

Starting : 28 May 2009
Duration : 1 day(s)
I am currently looking for sexiest eye candy models in the area to add to my team. My studio is located in Laurel Mall. I would like for you to come in to see the studio, let me explain my plans for the models (paid shoots) and if you like what you see and hear, we can do a test shoot. Give me a call at 301 604 PICS, if you're interested. I am usually in the studio between 9am - 9pm. If you are interested call or come to the studio, do not send me a reply asking for more details.

STM ...
Views : 1191
Inked Photography - Mizuz Inkaholik
Looking to build your portfolio.....
Broken Arrow / Tulsa, United States

looking for Both Female and Male Models  and offerring TF*.

Starting : 27 May 2009
Duration : 30 day(s)
I am always on the lookout for alternative style models. Male and female. Gothic, punk, emo, grunge, tattooed, pierced, whatever your lifestyle. If your looking for a photographer that doesn't judge you for not having a barbie doll image and treats you true to yourself. Hit me up and lets shoot something wicked and kick ass!
Views : 1238  Comments : 1
ArtPhoto Chicago
Chicago (Lincoln Park), United States

looking for

Starting : 1 Jul 2009
Duration : 1 day(s)
I'm planning a H-U-G-E FIRST ANNUAL Chicago Lakefront Mid-Summer Photo Bash for early July.

This is an open invitation to MODELS, PHOTOGRAPHERS,
to participate in this outdoor full-day shooting event.

I'm also looking for a place to publish and will recruit a panel of judges for Best Female, Male, Couple and Group Models, Best Male Hair, Best Makeup, Best Photo-Editing.

I will be interviewing everyone in the next few weeks,
so ...
Views : 974