Nic Brown - Loss Prevention- Killer 1
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Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:17 May 2015
Ngày gần nhất:26 May 2015

Về tôi

I work with Thoughtfly Films in Kentucky. We're an independent film company with 2 completed feature films and 1 currently in post production. We will begin pre-production on a new feature film later in 2015 and will be looking for talented actors and actresses to work with.
Nic Brown

Tín chỉ

Loss Prevention- Feature Film (Writer/Producer)
Girl/Girl Scene Seasons 1 and 2 - Web series (Producer, no affiliation to Thoughtfly Films)
Overtime- Feature Film (Produced by Thoughfly Films, No personal affiliation, production company credit only)
Monsters Wanted- Documentary Film (Produced by Thoughfly Films, No personal affiliation, production company credit only)