Deafwolf Studios
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Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:11 Feb 2014
Ngày gần nhất:6 Apr 2014

Về tôi

I have been in photography for many years in every kind of photo shoot you can imagine. I’ve done fashion, lingerie, band photos and live performance right down to T-ball and high school sports. I started out in 35mm and medium format and over the years slowly migrated over to digital equipment. My photos are diverse as I stray from genre to genre depending on my mood and who needs what shot.

Deafwolf Studios is actually my film post production name however it works for my photography also. I do post production film audio, Foley and FX as well as final mix and master and 5.1/7.1 surround mixing.

I’m also a musician that writes and records music and film soundtracks.

Now you know where the diversity comes from.



11 Feb 14 23:30
Welcome to iStudio! Nice port. Best of luck! :)
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