Mike Skellenger - Knife BigFoot Maybe?
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Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:20 Mar 2013
Ngày gần nhất:4 Jul 2013

Về tôi

- Artist working with Acrylic on canvas that may include other materials and medium. (Colored pencils, ball point pens, felt pens, gesso sculpting, bric a brac and collage - toss in a few ad libs here and there)
- Love working with computer to re-manipulate scanned images into new creations using Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paint Shop Pro and other software
- Love both vibrant primary colors and subtle shades
- Love whimsey and fantasy...
- I enjoy geometrical symettry, cartooning and a kalaidescopic world outlook that sees the status quo as a challenge to be overcome... change the setting and a new image emerges (fantastic!)
- Too much of life is too damn serious, none of us get out alive... enjoy your time this time around