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Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:7 May 2014
Ngày gần nhất:20 Dec 2014

Về tôi

I've been a keen amateur photographer for more years than I'd like to remember, principally concentrating on landscape, sport, family and friends. Only very recently have I had the time (and courage) to venture into the world of engaging photographic models.

From a personal perspective I'm looking to develop a body of work which focuses on images in which the viewer sees the model in paradoxical / fantasy situations. That said I love classic glamour / fashion. Currently I'm looking to work with like minded models to help build both of our portfolios.

Tín chỉ


07 May 14 19:21
Welcome! If you're in need of retouching services, please check out
07 May 14 13:09
Amazing port!
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