 Xem hình ảnh (20)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:25 May 2009
Ngày gần nhất:21 Jun 2010

Bạn bè
Admin - iStudio Admin

Về tôi

I've been involved with photography for the last 5 years, but have only recently decided to pursue it as a full time career. As such I am currently looking for models to help me update and; expand my portfolio. I am primarily looking for models that are willing to work on a TFP/CD basis, as I don't necessarily have the funds to pay a lot of modeling fees at this point in my career. I am willing, however, to discuss payment on a case-by-case basis.

I enjoy all types of photography, but my preference would have to be glamour and;/or erotic/pin-up style work. While this work can often involve nudity I believe that you don't have to be explicit in order to be erotic. If this kind of work isn't for you don't worry. As I've said I'm into all types of photography. My goal on any shoot is to create images that both the model and; me are proud to have as part of our portfolios. On the technical side of things I enjoy using a variety of techniques; both traditional and; modern to create images that are unique. Some of my favorites include: solarizations, infrared, and; hand colored images.

As such I enjoy working closely with my models on the details of the shoot. Not just on such tech details as time, dates, etc, but on the creative ones (costume, theme, etc) as well. I feel when a model is involved in the planning they are more likely to enjoy themselves and; that leads to better pictures. This also means I prefer to work in a more structured manner. I don’t usually contact a model and; go shooting the next day. I try to plan the details of the shoot out in advance. This helps it run smoothly as both the model and myself know what to expect. Not that I’m opposed to spontaneity on a shoot. On the contrary I think it can lead to some great images. It’s just that I prefer to have structure/skeleton in place first and go from there. Does that make sense?

Guess that's about it for now. Hopefully you’re not bored from having read all this. I'll probably be updating and; expanding this portfolio in the days to come. In the mean time if you have any questions feel free to contact me and; let me know. I look forward to hearing from, and; working with, you soon!

Tín chỉ
