Leo Deoni Photography
66 Tuổi
Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
Currently in Canada
IS #:31939
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Về tôi
Since 2002 various cameras, developing software and midrange equipment have taken me on an amazing journey and now I have arrived at iStudio to network make friends with models and photographers by offering help with their portfolios and build on my experience.
Not the best director or photographer but I have a passion to learn and blessed with brilliance, creativity and like to make sessions fun! If you want an opportunity to direct some of your own ideas... here I am!
I am a new photographer focused on low light creativity and open to all creative ideas... need models for a 2 year project to build a portfolio for my studio start-up 2015...
Not the best director or photographer but I have a passion to learn and blessed with brilliance, creativity and like to make sessions fun! If you want an opportunity to direct some of your own ideas... here I am!
I am a new photographer focused on low light creativity and open to all creative ideas... need models for a 2 year project to build a portfolio for my studio start-up 2015...