41 Tuổi
Telford, United Kingdom
Currently in shrewsbury
IS #:31662
Chỉnh sửa qua photoshop
Chỉnh sửa qua photoshop
Về tôi
ive just rearly started to get in to photoshop started off playign with pics landscapes n think im getitng hang ov it i recently started playin wiht pictures ov peopel sum turned out good sum im not so sure ov trial n error in away lol my g/f suggest signign up on ere n maybe being able play with pictures as there lots diffrent types pics from portrairt to fashion to glamour not sure how this going work but feel free message me if u got any ideas im normaly at work tilll 5 on weekdays so any time after 6 u can get hold ov me
ive only put a couple pics up atm more will follow over next week or so
ive only put a couple pics up atm more will follow over next week or so
11 May 12 16:36
Welcome to iStudio.
Welcome to iStudio.