Digital Xtreme Images
 Xem hình ảnh (11)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:15 May 2014
Ngày gần nhất:17 May 2014

Về tôi

Capturing the essence of the moment is exciting and provocative. The interaction between the photographer and model is of utmost importance to ensure the image is of the highest quality. I'm fairly new to the image creation arena but am looking forward to working with models who are expressive and display just a little of the unusual and unique that most don't. Normal and routine is not part of my vocabulary.
Capturing moments in time with a beautiful model is fun and exciting. I look forward to working with all levels of experience. We all had to start somewhere. Experienced models help me gain more skills but the less experienced models also can come up with some really interesting ideas and concepts. I'm open for new experiences and willing if you are!!

Tín chỉ


16 May 14 19:17
Great port!
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