Kaos Eight
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Ngày tham gia:11 Jul 2011
Ngày gần nhất:19 Dec 2011

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Admin - iStudio Admin

Về tôi

Hello friends and welcome to my page. After upgrading to VIP the other day I decided it was high time I updated this profile so I guess we shall call this version 2.

My given name is Elliot although professionally I have adopted the monacre of Kaos Eight. Yes it sounds cool but the meaning is deeper then that. Kaos for me is basically a way of life it seems. Years ago I read a Chinese proverb about beauty and creation being formed from Kaos and struggle. My life has been and is Kaos. I have loved and loved hard my short time on this earth and it shows in my outlook and my work. No matter the turmoil though I have always been able to find beauty and creativity amidst the Kaos.

Know upfront when you speak with me or work with me I am always honest and very outspoken. I bite my tongue for no one and believe strongly in doing things a certain way. I don't care if it's offensive to your delicate sensibilities this is buisness and this is life be honest or go home.

All that being said let's get to the important part, the work. I am a professional photographer and videographer who has already been published and established for about 5 years.

I have am working with Kinetic Vineyard on a series of coffee table photo books these are my primary focus. The series is called "Through The Eyes of the Pervert". The first book which will be released before this summer has many different sections. The goal now set forth by my publisher is to deliver a new book every 6 months to a year and from this point forth they will be themed. We have some stellar ideas and are always looking for new talent to include.

I am not a wham bam photographer nor do I do fast food photography. I am here to make art, to tell a story, to work not to play. I prefer to establish ongoing relationships with models and shoot them regularly as opposed to one time shoots. I shoot a mixture of work including pinup, punk, art nude, erotic, fetish, bondage, conceptual and yes even adult work. I believe strongly sometimes you have to slap people in The face to get their attention and sometimes that means offending them.

My primary goal with my photography, my events, everything I do is to help this world evolve into one that is Sex Positive and Kink Aware. The closed minded bigotry of this world needs to go away and we must stop judging people for their sexual desires. We all need to embrace our own inner most desires without being ashamed and we MUST stop judging others for theirs. So yes sometimes my work borders on the obscene, the profane but its still art, its still about beauty and passion and yes sex but done in a way that people can see it for what it is. I will not bend on my mission and therefore I will not bend on the content I shoot.

What does this all mean for you? If you are "not comfortable" or "not willing" to shoot any form of nude content I will NOT work with you. Not everything I shoot is nude as you read above and see in my port however almost all shoots involve some nudity. I will work within the limits of my models however as a MINIMUM any models who work with me MUST be comfortable shooting AT LEAST topless and implied bottomless. I prefer models who are comfortable shooting full nude however I can bend a bit. However if you cannot do the minimum there is no point in us even attempting to work together.

Yes I do paid work and rarely shoot tfp but this does not mean I won't call you on your shit if you have little to no experience and demand 200/hr to shoot.

Yes I know all that sounds harsh bus I continue in this industry I continue to see models who just don't get it so it needs to be said!

Working with me you will get copies and you will get paid. You will make a great friend and person who will help damn near anyone. You will have a lot of fun I assure you.

So are you willing to open the closed minded idiots of America? Are you willing to mix sex and beauty to create something unique and powerful? Are you real honest and ready to work? Contact me and let's get to work!!

I have PLENTY of models who will provide references on the quality of my work, my professionalism, my character, etc. if you have ANY concerns.

I look forward to working with you!

Tín chỉ

Kaos Eight Photography
8 House Studios
"Through The Eyes Of The Pervert"
Car Kulture Deluxe
Ol' Skool Rodz