Leah Lieb
 Xem hình ảnh (6)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:17 Apr 2011
Ngày gần nhất:16 Sep 2011

Về tôi

With a background as a fitness profession and SAG stuntwoman, Leah Lieb has added modeling to her talent list. She specializes in product advertising and catalog work with her wholesome, girl next door look, and ability to play younger. Never one to be pigeonholed, she is able to flip the switch for a less than innocent demeanor as comfortable with her many looks.


05 Mar 13 21:52
Photo Retoucher available! Like Brunette Grenade Retouching on Facebook for updates, specials, and giveaways! :) (If you're in need of a new comp card, send me a message to ask about my comp card design special going on right now!)
27 Sep 11 03:52
Love your port...see me at http://www.becomeactress.com/
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