Michael Barrett
Upland, California
IS #:2719
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Check out the San Francisco Mansion Group Shoot, a beautiful location and even better Models!
ATTN Models!!!: If you flake on me without at least twenty four hours notice,we will NEVER work together,I will NOT re-book with you, you will not be allowed at my Events, so please be serious and committed when booking with me!
Based in Southern California. I've only been shooting about 3 years but my motto is to shoot and learn, so I shoot ALL the time. I'm always available for TFP/TFCD and if modeling rates are reasonable, ocassionally hire talent from time to time. I shoot digital SLR. I mostly shoot sexy casual/glamour/lingerie/swimwear, but would like to shoot sexy Maxim/Pl*yboy styles in the future. Baby steps....
Attention Models, I feel that I've come along enough that paying models for everyday 'cute' images, seems highly counterproductive. Sorry.

My view on shooting sexy women...
I was once asked why I chose to photograph women. Why not landscapes, objects, products? I came to realize that women change every minute, they are creatures of great depth and emotional range. I love the fact that you can set out for a photo shoot, have certain expectations of what you want to capture and come back with something completely different.
My photographs aren't high fashion, glossy, completely retouched pictures. I like to think of my images as real…not dependent on trick lighting or great computer enhancement.
As you can see in my port, most of my images lean towards the sexy/sensual side…that being said, sexy isn't indicative of the amount of clothes you're wearing. Sensuality in a photograph could come from the tilt of the head, the look in an eye. The eyes tell the whole story. Some of the sexiest images I've ever taken were headshots.

ATTN Models!!!: If you flake on me without at least twenty four hours notice,we will NEVER work together,I will NOT re-book with you, you will not be allowed at my Events, so please be serious and committed when booking with me!
Based in Southern California. I've only been shooting about 3 years but my motto is to shoot and learn, so I shoot ALL the time. I'm always available for TFP/TFCD and if modeling rates are reasonable, ocassionally hire talent from time to time. I shoot digital SLR. I mostly shoot sexy casual/glamour/lingerie/swimwear, but would like to shoot sexy Maxim/Pl*yboy styles in the future. Baby steps....
Attention Models, I feel that I've come along enough that paying models for everyday 'cute' images, seems highly counterproductive. Sorry.

My view on shooting sexy women...
I was once asked why I chose to photograph women. Why not landscapes, objects, products? I came to realize that women change every minute, they are creatures of great depth and emotional range. I love the fact that you can set out for a photo shoot, have certain expectations of what you want to capture and come back with something completely different.
My photographs aren't high fashion, glossy, completely retouched pictures. I like to think of my images as real…not dependent on trick lighting or great computer enhancement.
As you can see in my port, most of my images lean towards the sexy/sensual side…that being said, sexy isn't indicative of the amount of clothes you're wearing. Sensuality in a photograph could come from the tilt of the head, the look in an eye. The eyes tell the whole story. Some of the sexiest images I've ever taken were headshots.

Tín chỉ
Bratgirl Clothing Skinnie Ad and website content...
Fritz Clothing 2008 Calendar
Sinful Flesh Clothing website content

Fritz Clothing 2008 Calendar
Sinful Flesh Clothing website content