Joshua Photo
Saint Cloud, Florida
IS #:2615748
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Về tôi
My mother was a fashion photographer before she met my father; When I was a child, I used to leaf through all of her old tear sheets and prints and - in some cases - negatives, analyzing the poses, lighting, and camera angles.
Years later, using her Zeiss Ikoflex DLR, I began shooting photos of my neighbors and friends from the neighborhood. Those pictures were pretty awful, at least as far as lighting and posing were concerned.
I graduated from high school and went on to do a year of study in Scotland, where I bought my very first SLR, an Asahi Pentax 35mm w/built-in metering. That's when my interest began to "mushroom". I took a few photography classes at school, and after I got home I started to take my photography business seriously.
My local high school contracted a Gawd-awful, older-than-dirt photographer for their yearbook portraits; usually heavily-lacquered hair (the girls, too!), black suits for the guys and ugly-ass black velvet drapes for the girls.
A few weeks after I returned home from Scotland, I began to approach the parents of the more attractive young ladies, offering to do much more "natural and lifelike" (what is this, a mortuary?) photos of their kids for their homes. Surprisingly, I was a hit, and produced some beautiful photos of some of the most drop-dead gorgeous female graduates.
I eventually landed a job as a studio assistant with a well-known New York fashion photographer, where I learned even MORE about commercial and fashion photography. Worked there until my boss retired, so I had to eventually get a "real" job. I moved to San Diego and became a firefighter/paramedic, still doing the odd portrait of various California beach babes. Still, twenty years of 24-on/24-off was enough. I retired and took up computers...then pastry production (cheesecakes my specialty), and now I've decided to return to my first true love, photography.
I set up my own studio, bought new equipment (all digital now), strobes, backdrops, and the like, and am diving headfirst back behind the camera.
Years later, using her Zeiss Ikoflex DLR, I began shooting photos of my neighbors and friends from the neighborhood. Those pictures were pretty awful, at least as far as lighting and posing were concerned.
I graduated from high school and went on to do a year of study in Scotland, where I bought my very first SLR, an Asahi Pentax 35mm w/built-in metering. That's when my interest began to "mushroom". I took a few photography classes at school, and after I got home I started to take my photography business seriously.
My local high school contracted a Gawd-awful, older-than-dirt photographer for their yearbook portraits; usually heavily-lacquered hair (the girls, too!), black suits for the guys and ugly-ass black velvet drapes for the girls.
A few weeks after I returned home from Scotland, I began to approach the parents of the more attractive young ladies, offering to do much more "natural and lifelike" (what is this, a mortuary?) photos of their kids for their homes. Surprisingly, I was a hit, and produced some beautiful photos of some of the most drop-dead gorgeous female graduates.
I eventually landed a job as a studio assistant with a well-known New York fashion photographer, where I learned even MORE about commercial and fashion photography. Worked there until my boss retired, so I had to eventually get a "real" job. I moved to San Diego and became a firefighter/paramedic, still doing the odd portrait of various California beach babes. Still, twenty years of 24-on/24-off was enough. I retired and took up computers...then pastry production (cheesecakes my specialty), and now I've decided to return to my first true love, photography.
I set up my own studio, bought new equipment (all digital now), strobes, backdrops, and the like, and am diving headfirst back behind the camera.