 Xem hình ảnh (9)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:6 Jul 2012
Ngày gần nhất:3 Aug 2013

Về tôi

-I love the taste of oranges.
-My first dog's name was "Muffin."
-I played football my freshmen year of college.
-My wife is tan and my sons are funny.
-I'd rather drink water out of glass than plastic.
-The BA Expressway is the greatest freeway ever made.
-I can't decide whether it is more fun to watch live music or play live music.
-Most of the time I laugh when I tell a story.

Currently, I'm doing TF* to expand my portfolio by shooting anything and everything.


06 Jul 12 17:06
Always looking for a second shooter and those wanting to learn lighting.
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