 Xem hình ảnh (19)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:12 Feb 2012
Ngày gần nhất:12 Apr 2016

Về tôi

I'€™m a photographer currently living in the Portland, Oregon area. I also travel to other major cities. I enjoy glamour and portrait photography and am open to new ideas and techniques. I'€™ve also done product shoots for several websites.
If you'€™re a model and have an idea for a shoot, please email me. You can have the greatest idea but it has no value if it doesn’t get shot. By actually going out and photographing it we have a chance at creating amazing art.
Remember, today you just need to produce better work than yesterday, and tomorrow you need to produce better work than today. This will get you where you want to go.

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