Glen Kanzer
 Xem hình ảnh (4)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:16 Nov 2009
Ngày gần nhất:26 Feb 2010

Về tôi

Photographer interested in capturing the emotions of a moment.

Anyone can take a picture of a beautiful person. The pictures I enjoy taking show exactly what that person is feeling at that second. Who gets to decide what "Beautiful" is in my pictures? Hopefully the model. Anyone who looks at my photos should be able to tell exactly what my subject is thinking when that shutter snaps. Passion, rage, excitement, lust or even enticement.
I want to shoot pin-ups, covers, reenactment, high fashion, natural or anything different.

TFCD may be an option, but let’s talk about it.
Images on CD are fine, posted to online portfolio works as well.

Photoshop skills can help fix what you think may need fixing.

I see the world as a playground… let’s find the diamond hidden in the sandbox.

For information please contact