Thông tin | |
Ngày tham gia: | 28 May 2009 |
Ngày gần nhất: | 24 Jun 2009 |
37 Tuổi
Tulsa, Oklahoma
IS #:20756
Nhiếp ảnh gia
Nhiếp ảnh gia
Về tôi

Hi my name is Christian J Davis I am a Photographer. I became interested in Photography when I reached 11th grade in Aug. 2004. I took digital imaging that year through May 2006. Ever since then I have always had a camera of some kind on me. I want to have all kinds of different ages, sizes, colors and personalities to be shown in my port. I don't do trades unless I feel the shoot will help my port. However my rates are very low and I am sure we can work something out.
I hope you like my port as it continues to grow.
You can reach me either on here
or by which is my photography myspace account (also where you can see more of my work)
*************I love comments so Please comment my pictures so that I can know how well or poor I am doing, so that I may better myself.*****************
If you would like to know what I look like you can find me by looking at my top #1 friend.
Thank you for coming by.
17 May 10 09:41
i love your work xox
i love your work xox