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Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:22 Apr 2010
Ngày gần nhất:22 Apr 2010

Bạn bè
Admin - iStudio Admin

Về tôi

My name is Kelvin (Greenmile) to most who know me as a Photographer. I shoot for fun and hobby. I'm a total hobbyist when it comes to photography. I love the art and beauty one can create just from pushing a shutter button. All work done by a Point and Shoot to a more expensive DSLR can be seen as photography. I feel the goal is to capture the moment and give others the opportunity to embrace it. I look forward to sharing my work with all who view my port , and sharing ideas with each other. I work long hours so photography is my way of relaxing, so when I make time to shoot its special.

Tín chỉ
