H2 Photography - Vintage Car
If you are unique female model just drop me a message
Jakarta, Indonesia

looking for Female Models  and offerring TF.

Начало : 31 Jan 2011
Продолжительность : 90 day(s)
Looking Eurosian models for 1 of the following shoot:
- Underwater in the pool or even open water
- Fashion
- Beauty
- Implied or Nude
- any of your idea that might interest me
Views : 1281
Out of Line Artistry
Boudoir photography
Metuchen, United States

looking for Female Models  and offerring TF.

Начало : 31 Jan 2011
Продолжительность : 15 day(s)
Hi We are two female photographers working out of our studio in Metuchen, NJ. We do mainly boudoir photography for the everyday woman looking to boost confidence, surprise their SO with a sexy gift, etc.

We are looking to set up some TFF shoots to expand our portfolio that we show clients, and also to just stay on top of our game. We have a bit of a break in our schedule now that the Vday rush is over and before wedding season begins.

We would like to do mostly lingerie and glamour ...
Views : 626
J Victoria Exposures - Which shoes do I choose?
New Photographer looking for models for mutual portfolio building
Los Angeles/Valencia, United States

looking for Both Female and Male Models  and offerring TF.

Начало : 5 Feb 2011
Продолжительность : 90 day(s)
I want to shoot stuff that is different and fun. I have a full commercial studio in Valencia available for my use. Please take a look at my work and let me know if you are interested in shooting together.

Thank you!
Views : 508
Female models Needed! (Costa Mesa)
California, United States
Начало : 31 Jan 2011
Продолжительность : 4 day(s)
A production company we work with is filming a hip hop video, Thursday February 3rd in Costa Mesa, CA @ Avalon bar! Be there 10AM sharp!
We filmed our music video "Dinosaur Sweater" there:

Models will receive copy/credit. No compensation.
For more info, contact me ASAP!

Evan Cassidy
Producer - Dudely Jones Comedy Tribe

Email: dudelyjonescomedytribe@yahoo.com
Views : 640
Eugene Dubois
American Apparel-style shoot for photos included in short film
London, United Kingdom
Начало : 4 Mar 2011
Продолжительность : 3 day(s)
I'm making a short film about the meaning of colour that includes some photographic work in the style of fashion label American Apparel - which is not unlike some of my own work anyway - all shot indoors. Limited budget but negotiable, all models/actresses will all get a credit on the film which will be entered into several short film competitions in 2011. All outfits provided.

Please take a close look at http://www.flickr.com/eugenedubois where I've posted examples from American Apparel ...
Views : 536
Pakhi Verma

looking for Photographer  and offerring Cash Money.

Начало : 4 Feb 2011
Продолжительность : 90 day(s)


Views : 523
Danielle Viale
Need models for Charity Runway Show.
Ventura , United States

looking for Both Female and Male Models  and offerring TF.

Начало : 31 Jan 2011
Продолжительность : 1 day(s)
Hello Models
We are looking for Female and Male models to participate in a non-profit charity event for Hoops of hope LA. This event has many amazing aspects to it, one of which is a runway show. The event will be held at the Wav in Ventura, CA on May 28th which is a Saturday. We will need the models all day for this event.

Auditions- will be held 2/17/11 at 6pm. If you would like to audition please e-mail me at dani_girl_434140@yahoo.com with a head shot and Contact information (phone ...
Views : 702
chai martinez
NEED 5 FEMALE MODELS fast for basket ball event
Cebu city, Philippines

looking for Female Models  and offerring Cash Money.

Начало : 5 Feb 2011
Продолжительность : 1 day(s)
hey guys, the basket ball event will be for lawyers which will be held here in
Cebu city. i need five beautiful girls (height is not required) who have a good personality and easy to get a long with. all we need to ask of you is to bring black/white shorts, sneakers/rubber shoes, have yourself ready in neat hair tied back and light make-up. we will be providing the shirts.

the event will be on February 5,2011 (Saturday) starts at 10am and ends at 3pm. meals will be provided.

TF: 1,000 ...
Views : 586
chai martinez
NEED 5 FEMALE MODELS fast for basket ball event
Cebu city, Philippines

looking for Female Models  and offerring Cash Money.

Начало : 5 Feb 2011
Продолжительность : 1 day(s)
hey guys, the basket ball event will be for lawyers which will be held here in
Cebu city. i need five beautiful girls (height is not required) who have a good personality and easy to get a long with. all we need to ask of you is to bring black/white shorts, sneakers/rubber shoes, have yourself ready in neat hair tied back and light make-up. we will be providing the shirts.

the event will be on February 5,2011 (Saturday) starts at 10am and ends at 3pm. meals will be provided.

TF: 1,000 ...
Views : 507
Carlos Leroux - Train
Fine Art Images
Warwickshire, United Kingdom

looking for Female Models  and offerring TF.

Начало : 30 Jan 2011
Продолжительность : 30 day(s)

I am looking for a model to work with to create 6 or so fine art nude images similar to those that are currently on my profile.

I am based in Leamington Spa in the Midlands so local models preferable.

The casting is TFP (all good images with small website stamp) and I am willing to contribute towards travel if you have to come far.

If you are interested or want more information please do get in touch - you can see some of my work ...
Views : 432