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Цвет волос:Брюнет(ка)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Black
цвет кожи:Темная
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:11 Jul 2012
Последние:10 Sep 2013

О себе

I am the owner of Profile Modeling Agency LLC. in Richmond VA, 23230.

Roy Rogers Jr.
CEO of Profile Modeling Agency LLC.

My personal goal is to be on the cover of the top magazines and have magazine spreads modeling clothes for all the major clothing company for men. I'm looking to be in all the best runway shows available for me. I want to network with other models and photographers on this site that can make those goals become a reality. I have a lot of confidence in myself, and I know that's what you need in this industry to be successful. I'm looking to blow up ,and do big things one day soon. I'm very humble and look forward to work hard each and every day to improve my body and attitude to become successful.

I am willing to travel to other cities, states, and countries, but ALL expenses must be paid. If you'd like to shoot me for your own personal portfolio, or for an upcoming project you think I'd be good for, please send me an email with the following info:

The pay?
How long?
What kind of shoot?

I absolutely love hearing everyone's comments.It helps me grow as not only a person but as a model.I also enjoy commenting on other's work.Modeling is my passion so when I see good work I cant help but get excited. With that being said if you frequent my page and don't even comment not once STOP. Obviously you keep looking at the pictures for a reason so let me know what you think. If you liked it or if you didn't,say so. I try to do comment for comment but sometimes I get swamped and I don't get a chance too, don't take it personal. I appreciate all comments!

Booking information

