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Вступить: | 23 Mar 2010 |
Последние: | 6 Nov 2014 |
Zime Mille
Washington, District of Columbia
IS #:740708
О себе
Thanks for visiting.
I am a French artist doing paintings and drawings. Beauty is my passion. I mainly work on human figure with live models. I live in Washington DC and often travel to Paris, Montreal and Africa.
Latest Drawings:
- March 2010: Katlyn Lacoste and Engel Schrei.
- February 2010: Agelina9*, Karniflora*, Rama and Adama, Jess RH, Maryleigh and Toyin*
- January 2010: Loveself*, Toyin*, Tygallore*, Kati*, Esa Bang and Nahora.
- December 2009: Loveself, Titania*, Toyin*, EmpressDNike and Kellie Peach.
- November 2009: Yvonne Emilie, Toyin, Anne and Marie.
- October 2009: Tygallore*, Sparks, Nami-Iman, Karniflora* and Titania.
- September 2009: Katya*, Keira and Tygallore*
- August 2009: Tia.
- July 2009: Kati*, Angelina*, Karniflora, Joanne, Sexylady*, Kiki* and So Crispy*.
* not the first time
Currently in DC.
Since September 22, 2009

Today visitors

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I am a French artist doing paintings and drawings. Beauty is my passion. I mainly work on human figure with live models. I live in Washington DC and often travel to Paris, Montreal and Africa.
Latest Drawings:
- March 2010: Katlyn Lacoste and Engel Schrei.
- February 2010: Agelina9*, Karniflora*, Rama and Adama, Jess RH, Maryleigh and Toyin*
- January 2010: Loveself*, Toyin*, Tygallore*, Kati*, Esa Bang and Nahora.
- December 2009: Loveself, Titania*, Toyin*, EmpressDNike and Kellie Peach.
- November 2009: Yvonne Emilie, Toyin, Anne and Marie.
- October 2009: Tygallore*, Sparks, Nami-Iman, Karniflora* and Titania.
- September 2009: Katya*, Keira and Tygallore*
- August 2009: Tia.
- July 2009: Kati*, Angelina*, Karniflora, Joanne, Sexylady*, Kiki* and So Crispy*.
* not the first time
Currently in DC.
Since September 22, 2009
Today visitors

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Great Models I have worked with:
Angelina9* (France) - ModelMayhem#1093689
Imani* (USA) - ikbrown@creativepurposephotography.com
Kati Rudlova* (France) - www.katirudlova.com
Keyshia (France) - Keyshia.book.fr
Ningi* (USA) - Model Mayhem #253345
Jalene/Ivory Mistress (USA) - Model Mayhem #447289, website: www.ModelArtist.com
Libby (USA) - Model Mayhem # 698434
Clara Scarlatti - Model Mayhem# 808320 hevenmetal.com
Andjy* (France) - www.andjy.book.fr
Anna* (USA) - ModelMayhem #322877 - www.artofanna.com
Arwen love (USA) ModelMayhem #619104
Vdb Nudes* (USA) - MM # 1068431 www.modelmayhem.com/vandenbudenmayer
Katya CWW* (USA) -2- ModelMayhem #1058126 and #1178194 http://www.dcphotocoop.com/
So Crispy* (USA) - ModelMayhem #1042836
Kiki* (USA) - ModelMayhem #1075997
Sexylady05* (USA) - ModelMayhem#1167756
Rhus (USA) - ModelMayhem#549677
Karniflora* (France) - ModelMayhem #747783
Joanne (France)
Tia (USA) - ModelMayhem #441345
Keira Grant (USA) - ModelMayhem #799498
Tigallore* (USA)- ModelMayhem#345689
Sparks fyre and Kokopellie Sparks (USA) - ModelMayhem #1111782 and 1361095
Titania* (USA) - Modelmahem #504819
Nami Iman (Japan) - ModelMayhem #1378394
Yvonne Emilie (USA) - ModelMayhem #14211725
Toyin Joseph* (USA) - ModelMayhem #332691
Loveself (USA)* - ModelMayhem #1012123
EmpressDNike (USA) - ModelMayem #758962
Kellie Peach (USA) - ModelMayhem # 751525
Miss Esa Bang (France) - ModelMayhem # 850971
Nahora (France) - ModelMayhem # 453978
Jess RH (USA) - ModelMayhem # 1521490
Maryleigh (USA) - ModelMayhem # 1353291
Katlyn Lacoste - Katla (USA) - ModelMayhem #1227596
Engel Schrei (USA) - Mayhem #326608
* Multiple times
Special thanks to the Models who kindly display my work on their website or MM portfolio:
Kati Rudlova (France) - www.katirudlova.com - open NEWs or go to: http://www.katirudlova.com/en/portfolio … Zime_3.htm
Jalene (USA) - www.ModelArtist.com
Anna (USA) - http://annaevans.deviantart.com/art/fig … -114207043
Vdb Nudes (USA) - MM # 1068431
So Crispy (USA) - ModelMayhem #1042836
Kiki Jack (USA) - ModelMayhem #1075997
Karniflora - http://www.k-et-caetera.book.fr/gal-1-2.htm
Sparks fire (USA) - ModelMayhem 1111782, in Sparks Everywhere list.
Loveself (USA) - ModelMayhem #1012123 (2 drawings)
Esa Bang (France) - MM #850971 in www.esabang.book.fr
Nahora (France) - MM # 453978
Jess RH (USA) - ModelMayhem # 1521490
Angelina9* (France) - ModelMayhem#1093689
Imani* (USA) - ikbrown@creativepurposephotography.com
Kati Rudlova* (France) - www.katirudlova.com
Keyshia (France) - Keyshia.book.fr
Ningi* (USA) - Model Mayhem #253345
Jalene/Ivory Mistress (USA) - Model Mayhem #447289, website: www.ModelArtist.com
Libby (USA) - Model Mayhem # 698434
Clara Scarlatti - Model Mayhem# 808320 hevenmetal.com
Andjy* (France) - www.andjy.book.fr
Anna* (USA) - ModelMayhem #322877 - www.artofanna.com
Arwen love (USA) ModelMayhem #619104
Vdb Nudes* (USA) - MM # 1068431 www.modelmayhem.com/vandenbudenmayer
Katya CWW* (USA) -2- ModelMayhem #1058126 and #1178194 http://www.dcphotocoop.com/
So Crispy* (USA) - ModelMayhem #1042836
Kiki* (USA) - ModelMayhem #1075997
Sexylady05* (USA) - ModelMayhem#1167756
Rhus (USA) - ModelMayhem#549677
Karniflora* (France) - ModelMayhem #747783
Joanne (France)
Tia (USA) - ModelMayhem #441345
Keira Grant (USA) - ModelMayhem #799498
Tigallore* (USA)- ModelMayhem#345689
Sparks fyre and Kokopellie Sparks (USA) - ModelMayhem #1111782 and 1361095
Titania* (USA) - Modelmahem #504819
Nami Iman (Japan) - ModelMayhem #1378394
Yvonne Emilie (USA) - ModelMayhem #14211725
Toyin Joseph* (USA) - ModelMayhem #332691
Loveself (USA)* - ModelMayhem #1012123
EmpressDNike (USA) - ModelMayem #758962
Kellie Peach (USA) - ModelMayhem # 751525
Miss Esa Bang (France) - ModelMayhem # 850971
Nahora (France) - ModelMayhem # 453978
Jess RH (USA) - ModelMayhem # 1521490
Maryleigh (USA) - ModelMayhem # 1353291
Katlyn Lacoste - Katla (USA) - ModelMayhem #1227596
Engel Schrei (USA) - Mayhem #326608
* Multiple times
Special thanks to the Models who kindly display my work on their website or MM portfolio:
Kati Rudlova (France) - www.katirudlova.com - open NEWs or go to: http://www.katirudlova.com/en/portfolio … Zime_3.htm
Jalene (USA) - www.ModelArtist.com
Anna (USA) - http://annaevans.deviantart.com/art/fig … -114207043
Vdb Nudes (USA) - MM # 1068431
So Crispy (USA) - ModelMayhem #1042836
Kiki Jack (USA) - ModelMayhem #1075997
Karniflora - http://www.k-et-caetera.book.fr/gal-1-2.htm
Sparks fire (USA) - ModelMayhem 1111782, in Sparks Everywhere list.
Loveself (USA) - ModelMayhem #1012123 (2 drawings)
Esa Bang (France) - MM #850971 in www.esabang.book.fr
Nahora (France) - MM # 453978
Jess RH (USA) - ModelMayhem # 1521490