реквизиты | |
Рост: | 6'0" |
Цвет волос: | Брюнет(ка) |
Длинна волос: | Короткие |
Цвет глаз: | карие |
Национальность : | Испанская |
цвет кожи: | Загорелая |
Опыт работы: | большой опыт |
Компенсация: | только за оплату |
Информация | |
Вступить: | 3 Mar 2012 |
Последние: | 9 Sep 2012 |
IS #:64027
О себе
---- ----------- --------- Diego Valdez -----------
New Interview to Diego Valdez March 2012
Awesome Magazine page 65-66

After big success with Diego Valdez´s january Introduction
Photoplacenl Netherlands have published the interview
With Diego Valdez February 2012
Talking about his life, fashion & artistic Career
Diego Valdez Featured 21 st Century Renaissance Man 2012
Diego Valdez former fashion model from march 2011
Last Diego Valdez pictures -
March 2011 - by DVS Studio photography
Special thanks to Chevignon Prague wardrobe

#Hit the like button for - DiegoValdez #new Facebook fanpage
Active Actor
--- Soap Opera Experience TV ----
Get Official news of Diego Valdez on
@Hollywood_tweet : #Intro of @REALDIEGOVALDEZ
Male-Face for Netherlands January 2012 via http://t.co/Q5YjNb14
Official screenshot - Male- face of Netherlands
Diego Valdez Introduction January 2012

@Hollywood_tweet : 2012 BY #BELLAB THE #SONG Diego Valdez
#BellaB #Song #Credits & #Tale of @REALDIEGOVALDEZ
http://t.co/XKxsKZw0 http://t.co/3l1GJ2d8 http://t.co/LPidUyit
@Hollywood_Tweet : When we say @REALDIEGOVALDEZ was partying with
the stars we're talking from LadyGaga to Michael Bloomberg The WHOLE spectrum
@Hollywood_Tweet : @REALDIEGOVALDEZ at ABC New Years eve 2011
private party video 2 http://t.co/GTr5EyUW
#DiegoValdez special guest at Exclusive
#ABC private party new years eve 2011 http://t.co/hJ6XuFAc
@Hollywood_Tweet : @REALDIEGOVALDEZ at #ABC Private party
http://t.co/QxF7dVus http://t.co/TxTYO76S http://t.co/0wvZYONI
Diego Valdez @Hollywood_Tweet : Check out @REALDIEGOVALDEZ
at private #ABC party new years eve other http://t.co/7OuNWjx3
@Hollywood_Tweet : @REALDIEGOVALDEZ at #ABC private party
new years eve 2011 http://t.co/HzJQn6TW
http://t.co/BtI04OQX http://t.co/mqmIEukg
Diego Valdez Hollywood tweet Commercial 2010
Diego Valdez Hollywood tweet Commercial 2010
Enjoy Bella B n´the seventeen nights
The Song 2012 - it´s magical Life written By
Song Ideation by Diego Valdez
Anthony Gargano, Matt Simpson
Mike Howard & Diego Valdez
Mixed at Love journey Music
Enjoy the children´s tale
Bella B n´the seventeen nights
Written by Diego Valdez
Illustrated by Erin Burchwell & Diego Valdez
Grammar revision by Luisa Gomez
Visual direction by Edward Messa
Voiceover Actress Melissa Biggs
Recorded at Eliasarts studios
Santa Monica Ca 2010
Enjoy this video test new version
November 2011
At voilartists youtube channel

#HIT THE LIKE BUTTON for Actress Melissa Biggs
Diego Valdez MM profile works as an interactive & informative site
A place where come & check News, projects and more
Diego Valdez at this time of january 2012
Works as an active actor, writer, artist, producer
You can find in this site
Diego Valdez fashion, modeling, runway Experience
Between the years 1992 -2011
And all the projects Diego Valdez is developing today
As an actor, producer, writer, artist, painter
If you got an invitation to be friend of Diego Valdez
It´s an invitation to let you know about all his projects
and an invitation to inspire you to go beyond
#Nomore #Noless
Diego Valdez Last appearances
December 31 - 2011 - January 1 - 2012 Diego Valdez
Especial guest Exclusive - Private Party Inside ABC Studios
NYC - Times Square
Host for Event outsite Ryan Seacrest
#Artists Pitbull, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga between others
Inside - Mayor Michael bloomberg, Lady Gaga, The bachelor etc

October 2011 as a face painter for kids #Having a nice halloween

September 2011 Special guest at private charity event of twitter
Manhattan 2011
Press & references
You can see more about it on Press at
Diego Valdez New facebook fanpage
News #ANNTENNA 2012
She is tearing down the tower of Babel, one word at a time!

Coming soon #ANNTENNA
Enjoy New years Eve Message
check the youtube link for Anntenna
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNAk9qKQ … ture=email
AnnTenna will warm your heart and enlighten your mind.
Ann Tenna Travels Kitchens of the world,
Sharing her knowledge and love of languages
for just a crumb and some sweet conversation
from Spanish to Hebrew and Italian to Mandarin,
no language is overlooked by this unique multi lingual Brazilian Ant.
While dining on your finest crumbs she demonstrates
how easy it is to communicate with everyone in the world!
âNo word to small no phrase too big,â For Ann Tenna.
She is tearing down the tower of Babel, one word at a time!
All Rights reserved at www.visionanimationstudios.com
Produced by Diego Valdez - Mr Mike Herzog & Dan Loredan
Original Ann Tenna Story by Diego Valdez
Character & Animation by Mr Mike Herzog
Music by Film & Theater/ Stage Composer, Orchestrator DAN LOREDAN
Enjoy this New Years eve - Message
Anntenna Voiceover Annette Sanchez
Voice post and FX Scott Goldberg
------------- ----------- -----------
I invite you to enjoy and talk about this project
Artists together voices of hope
trying to face the top enemy of human race
Enjoy Artists together voices of hope voices:
The voices
Top Hollywood casting director Danielle Eskinazi
Top Model - Thalita Texeira - Actress Jen Daniello
Hollywood actor Michael tylor gray
Poem written by Diego Valdez
A project of voilartists Art studio
Directed by Edward Messa - Luisa Gomez
Programming by Mauricio Gonzalez
Artists together voices of hope
http://www.voilartists.com/artist-toget … her-2.html
Diego Valdez Fashion fansite
Diego Valdez New Projects
Diego Valdez poetry -
My work as writer in english and other languages
Will be forever a work in progress
sorry for the faults, sometimes better than others
Enjoy the message, the feelings
The poetry of Diego Valdez
Ãcoute l´homme qui parle
Oui / moiâ¦
Je veux bien tâaccompagner?
I wanna be with you
Dix fois par jourâ¦.
Between kisses
Over you
I wanna be your breath
The finger in your lips
The strength in your legs
The quiet scream
Your owner and feel
My name in your voice
My love in your skin
The blood and the heaven
Naître and mourir
With you â¦..
La plus belle fille du monde
Yeah â¦. / Youâ¦..
Ãcoute l´homme qui parle
Oui / moiâ¦.
!!! Une fois pour toutes ¡¡¡
And forever
I want Naître and mourir
With you â¦..
La plus belle fille du monde
Et vous /
que voudriez-vous faireâ¦â¦â¦..
La plus belle fille du monde
written by / DIEGO VALDEZ G
To read more & find poetry in spanish
Diego Valdez
Active Actor
--- Soap Opera Experience TV ----
#Hit the like button for - DiegoValdez #new Facebook fanpage
Former Fashion top model, active Actor, Published author, artist
Diego Valdez News
Don´t forget The first tale of Master Bee / The Positive Bee
A tale written by Diego Valdez
Voiceover Actress, singer, songwriter Jon Mack / Auradrone
Enjoy Master Bee first tale / And guess what
#NEXT and #Coming soon
Master Bee II written by Diego Valdez & Luisa Gomez
Voiceover - By Jon Mack Jon Auradrone
Hit the like Button for Auradrone
Enjoy Master Bee tale I and wait for more #SOON
Visual concept and image by Luisa Gomez and Edward Messa
Directed by Edward Messa - voilartists Art Studio
Enjoy Auradrone´s new video The Escape -
Enjoy www.voilartists.com ´s Music
It´s Auradrone´s Music
Now enjoy
Featured Artist of the millennium 2009
Via Villagevoice, Phoenixnewtimes, LA Weekly
Screenshots Below
Former Fashion model / active actor / artist, writer
One of the most sought after top male models in fashion scene
Top ten Male models-FTV-FTV MEN 2008-2009
Diego Valdez Artist
Published Author - 5 poetry books
3 poetry prizes, Screenwriter, professional designer
Language ( Spanish )
Diego Valdez
Published Author, Painter, Cartoonist
Children´s book Author, Poet, Visual Designer
Founder - of www.voilartists.com the art studio
Poem written by Diego Valdez 2006
Illustration By Diego Valdez (pop art concept)
Tribute to Gia Carangi Project Redsoks
Enjoy more Poetry of Diego Valdez
Poem written by Diego Valdez for
Alyssa Milano and her Baby 2011

Diego Valdez Artwork, Handmade Drawings
On Germany Oil Paitings, handmade drawings
Diego Valdez´s Art Studio
Paco the Goose The real adventure
Written by Diego Valdez created by Voilartists Art studio
Recorded at Hollywood Nicole Opyr Studios
voiceover - Hollywood Actor
Michael Taylor Gray Actor From stints on television:
"My Name Is Earl (NBC)", "Without A Trace (CBS)",
"Will & Grace (NBC)" & "Maybe it´s me" (WARNER BROS)
Listen and enjoy the song of Diego Valdez´s Art studio
Diego Valdez Featured Artist of the Millennium - October 2009
Laweekly.com, Villagevoice.com and Phoenixnewtimes
Details - Below


Featured Artists of the millennium 2009
Phoenix new times Magazine

--- DIEGO VALDEZ Fashion MODEL ---
Marithe Francoise Girbaude 2006 France

Photo To Diesel Jeans & music / South America
February -March -2008 Punta del Este /Uruguay

Modeling campaign Girbaud 2006

Photo Diesel jeans
Franchise / South America
november 2004 - january 2005 B/Aires Argentina -Uruguay

Photo To Diesel Jeans
Franchise South America / Uruguay 2005

New Interview to Diego Valdez March 2012
Awesome Magazine page 65-66

After big success with Diego Valdez´s january Introduction
Photoplacenl Netherlands have published the interview
With Diego Valdez February 2012
Talking about his life, fashion & artistic Career
Diego Valdez Featured 21 st Century Renaissance Man 2012
Diego Valdez former fashion model from march 2011
Last Diego Valdez pictures -
March 2011 - by DVS Studio photography
Special thanks to Chevignon Prague wardrobe

#Hit the like button for - DiegoValdez #new Facebook fanpage
Active Actor
--- Soap Opera Experience TV ----
Get Official news of Diego Valdez on
@Hollywood_tweet : #Intro of @REALDIEGOVALDEZ
Male-Face for Netherlands January 2012 via http://t.co/Q5YjNb14
Official screenshot - Male- face of Netherlands
Diego Valdez Introduction January 2012

@Hollywood_tweet : 2012 BY #BELLAB THE #SONG Diego Valdez
#BellaB #Song #Credits & #Tale of @REALDIEGOVALDEZ
http://t.co/XKxsKZw0 http://t.co/3l1GJ2d8 http://t.co/LPidUyit
@Hollywood_Tweet : When we say @REALDIEGOVALDEZ was partying with
the stars we're talking from LadyGaga to Michael Bloomberg The WHOLE spectrum
@Hollywood_Tweet : @REALDIEGOVALDEZ at ABC New Years eve 2011
private party video 2 http://t.co/GTr5EyUW
#DiegoValdez special guest at Exclusive
#ABC private party new years eve 2011 http://t.co/hJ6XuFAc
@Hollywood_Tweet : @REALDIEGOVALDEZ at #ABC Private party
http://t.co/QxF7dVus http://t.co/TxTYO76S http://t.co/0wvZYONI
Diego Valdez @Hollywood_Tweet : Check out @REALDIEGOVALDEZ
at private #ABC party new years eve other http://t.co/7OuNWjx3
@Hollywood_Tweet : @REALDIEGOVALDEZ at #ABC private party
new years eve 2011 http://t.co/HzJQn6TW
http://t.co/BtI04OQX http://t.co/mqmIEukg
Diego Valdez Hollywood tweet Commercial 2010
Diego Valdez Hollywood tweet Commercial 2010
Enjoy Bella B n´the seventeen nights
The Song 2012 - it´s magical Life written By
Song Ideation by Diego Valdez
Anthony Gargano, Matt Simpson
Mike Howard & Diego Valdez
Mixed at Love journey Music
Enjoy the children´s tale
Bella B n´the seventeen nights
Written by Diego Valdez
Illustrated by Erin Burchwell & Diego Valdez
Grammar revision by Luisa Gomez
Visual direction by Edward Messa
Voiceover Actress Melissa Biggs
Recorded at Eliasarts studios
Santa Monica Ca 2010
Enjoy this video test new version
November 2011
At voilartists youtube channel

#HIT THE LIKE BUTTON for Actress Melissa Biggs
Diego Valdez MM profile works as an interactive & informative site
A place where come & check News, projects and more
Diego Valdez at this time of january 2012
Works as an active actor, writer, artist, producer
You can find in this site
Diego Valdez fashion, modeling, runway Experience
Between the years 1992 -2011
And all the projects Diego Valdez is developing today
As an actor, producer, writer, artist, painter
If you got an invitation to be friend of Diego Valdez
It´s an invitation to let you know about all his projects
and an invitation to inspire you to go beyond
#Nomore #Noless
Diego Valdez Last appearances
December 31 - 2011 - January 1 - 2012 Diego Valdez
Especial guest Exclusive - Private Party Inside ABC Studios
NYC - Times Square
Host for Event outsite Ryan Seacrest
#Artists Pitbull, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga between others
Inside - Mayor Michael bloomberg, Lady Gaga, The bachelor etc

October 2011 as a face painter for kids #Having a nice halloween

September 2011 Special guest at private charity event of twitter
Manhattan 2011

Press & references
You can see more about it on Press at
Diego Valdez New facebook fanpage
News #ANNTENNA 2012
She is tearing down the tower of Babel, one word at a time!

Coming soon #ANNTENNA
Enjoy New years Eve Message
check the youtube link for Anntenna
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNAk9qKQ … ture=email
AnnTenna will warm your heart and enlighten your mind.
Ann Tenna Travels Kitchens of the world,
Sharing her knowledge and love of languages
for just a crumb and some sweet conversation
from Spanish to Hebrew and Italian to Mandarin,
no language is overlooked by this unique multi lingual Brazilian Ant.
While dining on your finest crumbs she demonstrates
how easy it is to communicate with everyone in the world!
âNo word to small no phrase too big,â For Ann Tenna.
She is tearing down the tower of Babel, one word at a time!
All Rights reserved at www.visionanimationstudios.com
Produced by Diego Valdez - Mr Mike Herzog & Dan Loredan
Original Ann Tenna Story by Diego Valdez
Character & Animation by Mr Mike Herzog
Music by Film & Theater/ Stage Composer, Orchestrator DAN LOREDAN
Enjoy this New Years eve - Message
Anntenna Voiceover Annette Sanchez
Voice post and FX Scott Goldberg
------------- ----------- -----------
I invite you to enjoy and talk about this project
Artists together voices of hope
trying to face the top enemy of human race
Enjoy Artists together voices of hope voices:
The voices
Top Hollywood casting director Danielle Eskinazi
Top Model - Thalita Texeira - Actress Jen Daniello
Hollywood actor Michael tylor gray
Poem written by Diego Valdez
A project of voilartists Art studio
Directed by Edward Messa - Luisa Gomez
Programming by Mauricio Gonzalez
Artists together voices of hope
http://www.voilartists.com/artist-toget … her-2.html
Diego Valdez Fashion fansite
Diego Valdez New Projects
Diego Valdez poetry -
My work as writer in english and other languages
Will be forever a work in progress
sorry for the faults, sometimes better than others
Enjoy the message, the feelings
The poetry of Diego Valdez
Ãcoute l´homme qui parle
Oui / moiâ¦
Je veux bien tâaccompagner?
I wanna be with you
Dix fois par jourâ¦.
Between kisses
Over you
I wanna be your breath
The finger in your lips
The strength in your legs
The quiet scream
Your owner and feel
My name in your voice
My love in your skin
The blood and the heaven
Naître and mourir
With you â¦..
La plus belle fille du monde
Yeah â¦. / Youâ¦..
Ãcoute l´homme qui parle
Oui / moiâ¦.
!!! Une fois pour toutes ¡¡¡
And forever
I want Naître and mourir
With you â¦..
La plus belle fille du monde
Et vous /
que voudriez-vous faireâ¦â¦â¦..
La plus belle fille du monde
written by / DIEGO VALDEZ G
To read more & find poetry in spanish
Diego Valdez
Active Actor
--- Soap Opera Experience TV ----
#Hit the like button for - DiegoValdez #new Facebook fanpage
Former Fashion top model, active Actor, Published author, artist
Diego Valdez News
Don´t forget The first tale of Master Bee / The Positive Bee
A tale written by Diego Valdez
Voiceover Actress, singer, songwriter Jon Mack / Auradrone
Enjoy Master Bee first tale / And guess what
#NEXT and #Coming soon
Master Bee II written by Diego Valdez & Luisa Gomez
Voiceover - By Jon Mack Jon Auradrone
Hit the like Button for Auradrone
Enjoy Master Bee tale I and wait for more #SOON
Visual concept and image by Luisa Gomez and Edward Messa
Directed by Edward Messa - voilartists Art Studio
Enjoy Auradrone´s new video The Escape -
Enjoy www.voilartists.com ´s Music
It´s Auradrone´s Music
Now enjoy
Featured Artist of the millennium 2009
Via Villagevoice, Phoenixnewtimes, LA Weekly
Screenshots Below
Former Fashion model / active actor / artist, writer
One of the most sought after top male models in fashion scene
Top ten Male models-FTV-FTV MEN 2008-2009
Diego Valdez Artist
Published Author - 5 poetry books
3 poetry prizes, Screenwriter, professional designer
Language ( Spanish )
Diego Valdez
Published Author, Painter, Cartoonist
Children´s book Author, Poet, Visual Designer
Founder - of www.voilartists.com the art studio
Poem written by Diego Valdez 2006
Illustration By Diego Valdez (pop art concept)
Tribute to Gia Carangi Project Redsoks
Enjoy more Poetry of Diego Valdez
Poem written by Diego Valdez for
Alyssa Milano and her Baby 2011

Diego Valdez Artwork, Handmade Drawings
On Germany Oil Paitings, handmade drawings
Diego Valdez´s Art Studio
Paco the Goose The real adventure
Written by Diego Valdez created by Voilartists Art studio
Recorded at Hollywood Nicole Opyr Studios
voiceover - Hollywood Actor
Michael Taylor Gray Actor From stints on television:
"My Name Is Earl (NBC)", "Without A Trace (CBS)",
"Will & Grace (NBC)" & "Maybe it´s me" (WARNER BROS)
Listen and enjoy the song of Diego Valdez´s Art studio
Diego Valdez Featured Artist of the Millennium - October 2009
Laweekly.com, Villagevoice.com and Phoenixnewtimes
Details - Below


Featured Artists of the millennium 2009
Phoenix new times Magazine

--- DIEGO VALDEZ Fashion MODEL ---
Marithe Francoise Girbaude 2006 France

Photo To Diesel Jeans & music / South America
February -March -2008 Punta del Este /Uruguay

Modeling campaign Girbaud 2006

Photo Diesel jeans
Franchise / South America
november 2004 - january 2005 B/Aires Argentina -Uruguay

Photo To Diesel Jeans
Franchise South America / Uruguay 2005

Between the years 1992 - 2011 fashion model for:
Underwear Gef, Underwear Mr Pat primo, Underwear Stevenson
Diesel & levis Jeans, Marithe Francoise Girbaude France,
Chevignon Jeans France, Mr5 etc
Runway at
Sao Paulo Fashion week between others
Actor soap Opera & Theater Experience
Now Artist / Founder of
30 Mar 12 15:27
Hello how are you? Im a web Designer and im trying to build up my portfolio for model websites. If you want me to design you a free site just send me a message or email me at design@siegeind.com to talk further thanks!
Hello how are you? Im a web Designer and im trying to build up my portfolio for model websites. If you want me to design you a free site just send me a message or email me at design@siegeind.com to talk further thanks!