О себе



Studio shoot. Three changes. Hair and
make-up provided by an experienced MUA.

All for for $150.
That includes over 150 photos taken. 12 Edited of your choosing. BOOK NOW!!!

Have friends? Bulk Rates Available!


I only offer paid shoots to those I have work with
before in either a paid, for pay or TFP shoot. I do
have occasional paid shoots and will either post a
casting call or e-mail past clients.


Tags are great but I prefer PHOTO COMMENTS.
My newest photos are on the top row and need love!


Versatile photographer with design background. Able to make modeling Comp Cards, Web Sites, Myspace and Portfolios that make you stand out. I

Main Studio: Midtown Detroit
Second Studio: Los Angeles (I visit throughout the year)

I will not take nude or wedding photography at this time. I am seeking to be a "second" photographer at weddings. If you are a photographer and need an assistant/second photographer, please let me know.

I guarantee my work. So if you are unhappy, let me know and I will find a way to make up for it.

Please ask me for referrals. I am very honest about those I have worked with and will tell any photographer about my experience with any model I worked, good or bad.

MySpace Me: http://www.myspace.com/393219074
OneModelPlace: 203020
Model Mayhem: 558876
AOL IM: LennonPhoto1
E-mail: lennonphotography(a)yahoo.com


Please be respectful to photographers. Cameras, lights, studio and time is money. Please give a photographer heads up if you can't make it ASAP!

References provided upon request.